it turns out, you can cuck the Tuck after all…
U.S. News & Reports
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Retired Col. Douglas MacGregor Discusses Status of Ukraine War and Background of Biden Sending Abram M-1 Tanks…
The U.S. led NATO alliance may be winning the narrative, as outlined by media; however, the Russians are winning the actual fighting on the ground in Ukraine…
The Pentagon Acknowledged the Absence of Abrams Tanks Destined for Ukraine in U.S. Warehouses…
Deputy Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh acknowledged that the necessary Abrams tanks for Ukraine are currently not in US warehouses…
School Was Warned About Gun-Toting 6-Year-Old Before He Shot Teacher…
“Did administrators call the police? No. Did administrators lock down the school? No. Did administrators evacuate the building? No. Did they confront the student? No.”…
Bang War Drums Loudly, Joe Biden Announces U.S. Sending Tanks to Ukraine, Deepening NATO War Against Russia Continues…
by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse The Biden administration is pushing the United States into war against Russia to protect Washington DC’s political and financial interests in Ukraine. None of this is a surprise as both Republican and Democrat politicians in DC continue to use Ukraine as a money laundering operation for key U.S. stakeholders. […]
Bill Gates Now Says mRNA Covid Vaccines Are an Abject Failure…
Gates declares Covid vaccines are an ‘abject failure.’…
Evidence Shows Offshore Wind Development Is Killing Whales…
The recent deaths of seven whales off New Jersey, mostly humpbacks, got a lot of attention. The federal NOAA Fisheries agency is responsible for whales. An outrageous statement by their spokesperson got me to do some research on humpback whale deaths…
Newly Declassified Documents Reveal that President George W. Bush Authorized Shootdown of Hijacked Airplanes on 9/11—But Only After Three Planes Had Already Crashed…
Bush’s delayed actions point to failure of government response. 9/11 families are at the forefront in pressing for a new congressional investigation which could help unravel many mysteries about deadly terrorist attacks…
Classified Documents Discovered at Mike Pence Home in Indiana…
After denying in several interviews he had taken, accidentally or not, classified documents when leaving the White House in 2020, former VP Mike Pence attorney’s handed over a cache of said documents to the National Archives….
Sudden Tragic Death of a [Vaxxed] Baby from Cardiac Conditions…
‘Unexpected death … taking a nap in the afternoon and found pulseless in a crib’…
REPORT: Dangerous Gain-of-Function Research Continues in the U.S. Due to Poor Oversight…
Poor oversight and loopholes mean risky virus research feared to have started the Covid pandemic in China continues to go on in the US…
REPORT 53: 77% of Cardiovascular Adverse Events from Pfizer’s mRNA COVID Shot Occurred in Women, As Well As in People Under Age 65. Two Minors Suffered Cardiac Events…
The War Room and Daily Clout teamed up to comb through the thousands and thousands of pages released by the federal government under court order on Pfizer’s mRNA experimental gene therapy shots testing for safety and efficacy. Report 53 details their findings on Cardiovascular Adverse Events…
There’s No Hiding Biden’s Fright Over Classified Document Scandal…
After finding more classified documents during Friday’s FBI search of Biden’s home in Delaware, there is no digging out of this mess…
Sunday Talks, Neil Oliver Discusses the Insufferable Agenda 2030 and The Climate Change Quest for Utopia…
For his weekly monologue, Neil Oliver outlines the insufferable fools that are constructing the path to Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum dictates that form the baseline to “save the planet” from climate change…
DAVOS 2023 — Whistling Past the Great Reset’s Graveyard…
So here we are as Davos 2023 winds down and it’s pretty obvious, watching the proceedings, that their entire edifice built on a crude admixture of psychopathy and hubris is tumbling down…
Tucker Carlson Outlines the Intersection of the Unelected Administrative State and The Fourth Branch of Government…
Tucker Carlson, as is becoming a norm, nails the miserable state of affairs under the Biden administration…
Discussion with Katherine Watt on Coronavirus/Covid Pandemic: American Domestic Bioterrorism Program…
This discussion centers on Katherine Watt’s analysis in American Domestic Terrorism Program (ADTP), published 28 April 2022 on her substack with ongoing updates. The following excerpts from the opening of ADTP set the framework:…
Criminal Malfeasance: Pfizer Knew 275 People Suffered Serious Strokes in the First 90 Days After Vaccine Rollout…
Pfizer’s conclusion: “This cumulative case review does not raise new safety issues.”…
The Moral Grandstanding Behind San Francisco’s Reparations Plan…
The supposedly progressive city is alienating its black residents…
White House, DOJ Agreed to Hide Classified Document Scandal…
The White House and Justice Department (DOJ) reportedly agreed to hide President Joe Biden’s classified document scandal from the American people until it leaked to the press, despite their repeated claims of transparency…
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