Yep, no question, U.S. intelligence, all 17 agencies plus all of the ones we don’t know about, are one-hundred percent weaponized against you and me…
Reauthorizing Mass Surveillance Shouldn’t Be Tied to Funding the Government…
Section 702 is the controversial and much-abused mass surveillance authority that expires in December unless Congress renews it. EFF and others have been working hard to get real reforms into the law and have opposed a renewal, and now, we’re hearing about a rushed attempt to tie renewal to funding the government. We need to stop it…
Missouri v. Biden: SCOTUS At Odds Over Stay…
The SCOTUS has decided to take on the temporary injunction in the Missouri v. Biden case. However, they have extended the STAY (hold) on the temporary injunction, which bars the Government from working with social media companies to censor for an indefinite period of time…
The Post 9/11 Weaponization of The United States Government…
Barack Obama and Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; the institutions were already weaponized by the Patriot Act. What Obama and Holder did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons of government only targeted one side of the political continuum…
Democrats Once Opposed the Post-September 11th Expansion of the Surveillance State…
The Dept. of Homeland Security, once viewed as an Orwellian power grab, is now championed by Democrats to police “dangerous” political speech…
To the Government, We’re All Terrorist’s Now…
You may think you’re not worth spying on. But to our government, we’re all terrorists now…
In Missouri v. Biden Internet Censorship Case, a Win and a Loss…
A key part of a court order in a major Internet censorship case is reinstated, but other parts, perhaps more important, are vacated…
Partners in Crime…
As the Biden administration stands trial in Missouri, we continue to learn how the government and Big Tech created a whole-of-system censorship campaign…
In Landmark Free Speech Case, Fifth Circuit Judge Likens Government Coercion of Big Tech to ‘Mob’ Boss…
Whether or not the federal government and its myriad agencies will be able to coerce, cajole, encourage, threaten, and browbeat social media companies into removing views it does not like from their platforms was the question before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals last week…
FISA Report: FBI Continues to Violate FISA and Improperly Sought Information on Senator and Judge…
In my recent testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, I warned that, if Congress reauthorized Section 702 without major changes, we have “become a nation of chumps.”…
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