What we find is that the main economic events that took place were the ISM Services on Dec 5, the November Payrolls report on Dec 8, the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment report, the CPI report on Dec 12 (and let’s add today’s retail sales data just for additional context)…
Are U.S. Treasurys Still a Safe-Haven Asset? An Epic Bond-Market Crash and Rising Default Fears Are Sowing Doubts…
US Treasurys have long been the go-to asset when uncertainty, fear, and full-blown panic send investors looking for safety — but that reputation has take major hits lately…
The UniParty in Washington DC is robbing you and future generations of American’s blind. It is time to stop them in their tracks. Tell your congressman and senator you don’t support this $1.6 Trillion theft of taxpayers, yours, money. Do it now! Raise hell!!!
Fed Announces 0.5% Interest Rate Hike As Cycle of Inflation Shows Plateau…
The Fed increased interest rates yet again while congress is on yet another spending spree of your money!!!
From 1975 to 2018 Capital Siphoned $50 TRILLION from Workers: How Things Fall Apart…
That’s how things fall apart: insiders know but keep their mouths shut, outsiders are clueless, and the decay that started slowly gathers momentum as the last of the experienced and competent workforce burns out, quits or retires…
Biden Administration Scrambles to Track $20 Billion in Ukraine Aid…
Nearly $100 billion in Ukrainian aid yet nobody seems to know where it’s all going…
$16 Billion Slipped Into Spending Bill for Earmarks…
The Con’s known as the UniParty can’t help themselves. They are addicts. Spending taxpayer funds on more than 7500 earmarks totaling $16B. The spigot never turns off…
Biden Says He Cut National Debt by $1.7 Trillion When in Fact He’s Raised it to $3.7 TRILLION…
The man is either a liar or he’s not being informed properly or he forgets what he’s told or he doesn’t recall how to add or subtract. None of the choices are good…
You Want to See What Nearly $100 BILLION in Spending in Ukraine Looks Like? Checkout This Infographic…The Zelensky Clearing House Sweepstakes…
Do you want to get a feel for the gobs of money taxpayers have sent to the dark hole known as Ukraine? Checkout this infographic and share it with all you know…
Zelensky Demands $55 BILLION More. Why?…
I’m beginning to think Zelensky is blackmailing Biden. What else could possibly explain nearly $100 Billion in spending on a war Ukraine is losing…