Until the era of Barack Obama and Eric Holder, the efforts of the community activists were to excuse and absolve the transparently guilty. It was only when Barack Obama and Eric Holder moved into office that things changed; the inflection point was achieved…
Newly Uncovered Emails Don’t Look Good for Hunter Biden…
We all know Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell was a treasure trove of illicit and icky emails, photos, and more that provided a picture into the troubled life and wild extracurriculars of the son of Senator-turned-VP-turned-President of the United States Joe Biden. But new emails — not obtained from Hunter’s laptop — reported by Insider show that the First Kid’s practice of using his proximity and access to then-VP Biden for supposedly personal business was an apparently lucrative pay-for-power scheme…
Why the Durham Report Matters: Remember the Russian Diplomats Expelled by Obama?…
First, John Durham clearly shows in his 306-page report with a 48-page classified appendix, that Russia did nothing to interfere in the 2016 election. The entire Russian Interference operation was a Clinton fabrication, later enhanced by a Federal Bureau of Investigation who used the fabrication as a cover-up justification to hide their surveillance of the Trump campaign…
ANALYSIS: How Much Did Brennan, Obama, and Comey Actually Know Before FBI Opened Investigation Into Trump?…
Details in Durham’s report suggest Brennan, Obama, and Comey knew of Clinton campaign’s plan to target Trump before FBI investigation…
The @FBI claims it has learned from its mistakes and is “reformed”. In that case it’s time to reopen the probe into the Clinton Foundation which Hillary’s operatives inside the FBI shut down…
Excellent Thread on Durham’s Report Including the Pass the FBI Gave to the Clinton Foundation…
First – Worth noting at end of beginning that Durham praises Garland for letting inquiry “proceed independently and without interference” — which AG will likely play up — protecting the institution. Q: How many folks involved in Russiagate currently work in Durham DOJ/Wray FBI?…
FBI Leadership Sabotaged Clinton Foundation Investigations…
This woman has knowingly compromised America’s national security via her bathroom server, has fleeced allies for doing them favors via her foundation and put Americans through pure hell over RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA. She’s a menace and belongs in handcuffs…
Durham Found Zero Merit to Trump Russia Claims, So What Was Mueller Doing for Two Years?…
With John Durham outlining in granular details how the FBI, DOJ and larger intelligence apparatus acted politically to weaponize government on behalf of an allied presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton, a bigger question remains. There never was any merit to the Trump-Russia nonsense, so what exactly were Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann doing for two years?…
The FBI’s Anti-Trump Keystone Cops…the CIA’s 51 Laptop Trashing Stooges…the NYT’s Biased Pulitzer Lapdogs: Now WE KNOW They’re All in the Dem’s Pockets and — Terrifyingly — It’s Derailing Democracy…
The deranged partisan hacks running America’s once-respected institutions are completely, utterly, maybe irredeemably, shameless. What other verdict can one reach after reading Special Counsel John Durham’s report on the FBI investigation of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign? It should never – never in a thousand years – have been launched…
Republicans Demand New Probe Into Bill and Hillary After Report Reveals FBI Top Brass Shut Down FOUR CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS Into Millions of Dollars in Foreign Donations and Speaker Fees…
The FBI had at least four criminal investigations into Hillary and Bill Clinton that were ultimately shut down months before the presidential election in 2016, a new Justice Department report reveals – and Republicans want to reopen those probes…
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