There were 520,549 records that fall within the expected time bounds, and 156,576 that fall outside of the bounds. From a purely systems perspective, that means that the ability of our electronic poll books (or the backend database they are tied to) to accurately record the check-in time of Early In-Person On-Machine voters has an error rate of 156576 / (156576+520549) = 23.12%…
Multiple Errors Found in Virginia’s 2022 Election Scanner and Pollbook Data…
At Least Two Precincts Showed Different Physical Ballot Count Compared to Scanner Counts…
Prominent Pollster Says Time for America to Mandate All Votes Be Counted on Election Day…Let’s Get Rid of These Machines and ALL of the Ballot Early/Late Voting Crap!!!…
God love Scott Rasmussen. Whenever they call the house to poll I pick up. His latest findings show a whopping 80% of really, really wise voters who want results on the same day they vote. You know, kinda how it used to be before voting machines…
Lauren Boebert Wins Colorado CD-03, Also Arizona and Nevada Solid GOP Wins – Delays Are Media Anti-Trump Narrative Engineering Efforts…
Yep, it was the corporate media echoed by alt media there was going to be a big red wave. Well, there was. No question. Thus, the corporate and political media need to change the subject to “Trump is bad, bad, bad.” Don’t fall for it…
Top House Democrat Maloney Concedes Defeat…
How does the guy who is the lead in the House to recruit, prepare, target and fund Democratic candidates lose his seat? Anybody?…
Where the Midterms Stand Right Now…
Great run down on where elections stand in the Senate, House, Gubernatorial and down ticket races…
U.S. Exit Polls: 73% of Voters Angry About Direction of Country – So They Voted Democrat?…
When 73% of voters say they are “dissatisfied” or “angry” with the direction Biden and his pals in congress are taking the country just before a major midterm election, they don’t typically vote for the guy/gal who put the country on this course back into power. Right?…
Media Can’t Fathom Why ‘Democracy’ Wasn’t a Top Concern for Voters Who Spent Their Day Doing the Whole Democracy Thing…
Democracy was never on the ballot. Everyone who participated in the democratic process on Tuesday knows it…
Virginia: “On Machine” Ballots with Logically Impossible Time Stamps…
A little technical but well worth the read. Something isn’t squaring right with the voter data in Virginia…
Big Picture, 2022 Midterm Elections Highlight the Distinct Difference Between Ballots and Votes…
As the political discussion centers on the 2022 wins and losses from the midterm election, one thing that stands out in similarity to the 2020 general election is the difference between ballots and votes. It appears in some states this is the ‘new normal.’…