Bloomberg is now moving to pay off those debts for nearly 32,000 Black and Hispanic convicted felons…
Latest News
Neoliberal/Neocons Transition Integrity Project Founder Calls for EXECUTION of Former Trump Official, Literally…
Nils Gilman, the founder of the so-called “bipartisan” Transition Integrity Project, called for the execution of former Trump administration national security official Michael Anton in light of Anton writing critically about the group’s efforts to steal the 2020 election and secure a victory for Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden…
RNC Roasts Dems with 2016 Video Montage of Biden & Co. Insisting SCOTUS Vacancies Be Filled…
Of course, that totally contradicts Biden’s recent remarks about filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s now-vacant seat,
We can’t …do the thing. C’mon man. He’s got to know that our spirit of purposelesness rolling tundra…it’s not going to cut it …not with 100 million Americans living in their own sleepy shoes without a shingle …single … in the snow … every single second this century … every single second this century more than any other this past year in all of history. That’s what this president has done. Is that who we wanna be? The Obama-Biden administration created one hundred, fifty, hundred, thousand …fifty, hundred …thousand, fifty …hundred, thousand …trees, lovely wholesome full-blooded trees …Barack and I did that with our own two bare hands. Not like this president and his …tin-pan alley gumball machines. That’s just not who we are.
I’m kidding, of course. Biden could never stay awake that long.
In all seriousness, though, the difference between Biden today and Biden four years ago is shocking even though he only says 10 words. He comes off as a completely insincere guy doing a decent job reading from a script and trying to sound tough as opposed to someone whose mind is barely functioning struggling to read a script without any idea of what the words even mean all the while wondering if the mean lady doctor with his last name wants to be president so badly why she doesn’t do this herself and let him nap…
Bloomberg Pours $16M Into Florida Race to Pay Restitution for Former Felons to Vote…
The money allocated to the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition to pay off debts of the state’s felons is a separate sum from Bloomberg’s original $100M pledge for Biden in Florida…
Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote Outlines an Election Warning…
Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily achieve ‘mail-in’ voting; which they desperately need in key battleground states in order to control the outcome…
Uncover the secret world of Joe Biden and his family’s relationship to China and the sinister business deals that enriched them at America’s expense…
REPORT: More Than 349,000 Dead Registrants Remain on Voter Rolls…
The most populous states tend to have the most deceased registrants on voter rolls, the report found. New York, Texas, Michigan, Florida, and California accounted for 51 percent of all of the deceased registrants nationwide…
Democratic Fundraiser ActBlue Raises Millions in Suspicious Gift Card Donations…
Forensic analysis conducted by The Amistad Project in cooperation with Take Back Our Republic reveals that 4.7 million of the 9.7 million ActBlue donations are reported to be from the unemployed…
Never Ever Mention That George Soros Is Funding Anti-Cop Candidates for District Attorney, Not Even on Fox News…
Apparently the mere mention of Rupert Murdoch’s pal, George Soros, is verboten on Fox News. Who knew?….
Is It a ‘Harris-Biden’ Ticket After All? Both Harris and Biden Claim a ‘Harris Administration’ in Public Speeches…
C’mon, man. Say it ain’t so Joe…
Kamala Harris’s Husband’s Firm Reps Chinese Communist Party-Owned Corporates, Employs Ex-CCP Officials…
Kamala Harris’s husband’s firm, DLA Piper, consults on behalf of a bevy of Chinese Communist Party-owned companies and employs former Chinese Communist Party officials…
Obama Lawyers Fund ‘Transition Integrity’ Group Which Claims to be ‘Non-Partisan’, Tied to Hunter Biden…
The National Pulse can reveal the oft-described “non-partisan” Transition Integrity Project – an organization claiming to work to defend the integrity of America’s November elections – has links to former President Barack Obama, being funded by an organization led by Obama-era lawyers and over 20 Obama White House staff…
Republican Congressman Asks Why There Is No Plan for Reopening the Hill…
“We need to craft and implement a health monitoring system that empowers staff and Members with tools to show beyond a reasonable doubt that they are not infected and that, if they show symptoms, we can aid in their diagnosis by providing testing resources and contacting other individuals with whom they had contact.”…
‘Not The Same Joe Biden’: White House Stenographer Says Former VP’s ‘Mental Acuity’ Has Deteriorated…
“He’d just make a big joke out of it, and go straight from the hip. And notice, he’s not doing that anymore,” he said. “He read that [Democratic National Committee speech] verbatim … it’s not Joe Biden anymore.”…
A Friendly Reminder What Democrats Were Spinning About the Wuhan Virus Early On…
Democrats like to pretend they took the Wuhan Virus seriously from the beginning. They didn’t. Watch a short clip as a friendly reminder…
The Biden-Harris Ticket Is a Reminder of the Obama Years – Great Access to Iran’s Lobby @NIACouncil…
“It is now a historic fact that reporters in Washington, D.C., were lied to and fooled by the Obama Administration with regard to the Iran nuclear deal.”…
Iran Behind Hack Attacks, Online Disinformation Campaigns to Boost Biden…
Tehran waging cyber attacks to sway 2020 presidential election…
If Players Can Protest on the Field, Fans Can Protest in the Stands…
All that to say – most fans are extremely frustrated that their favorite pastime has been turned into a political football…
Chicago Police Union Endorses Trump for Re-Election…
The Fraternal Order of Police in Chicago has officially endorsed President Donald Trump for reelection…
Michigan Gov Whitmer Builds $1M Electric Fence to Protect Home from Rioters After Slashing Millions from Police Budget…
Democrat Governor security upgrade comes after she slashed Millions from police budget…
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