A legal battle is brewing in Virginia as plaintiffs from the county of Waynesboro, VA argue the counting of votes by electronic voting machines owned by the Commonwealth, while using privately owned code that processes and tabulates every ballot cast in secret, is in direct violation of the Virginia Constitution…
When Truth Marches…
The closer we get to November the more and more I begin to realize just how amazing this story has become. 2025 will make 10 full years since the start of the Donald Trump era…
America’s Best Hackers Prove Once Again Major Vulnerabilities in Voting Machines…Too Bad Because There Is No Time to Fix Them…
Organizers and participants at the DEF CON Voting Village found cyber vulnerabilities in everything from voting machines to e-poll books, but there is no time before the November elections to fully implement their findings…
President and Co-Founder of Smartmatic Indicted in Massive Bribery and Fraud Case – But DOJ Hid This in Their Press Release for Some Reason…
A federal grand jury out of Florida has indicted voting machine Smartmatic’s President and Co-Founder Roger Alejandro Pinate Martinez, a Venezuelan citizen and two other executives of the company on an “alleged bribery and money laundering scheme” from 2015 – 2018 in Philippine elections…
Trump Campaign and RNC Reveal Massive Election Integrity Program…
The Republican National Committee (RNC), partnered with the Trump campaign, is launching a massive election integrity program ahead of the November 2024 election…
20 Minute Compilation of Democrats, Computer Scientists and Election Security Experts Warning Voters Election System Is Hackable…
20 minutes of mainstream Democrats, computer scientists, and election security experts warning that America’s election system is online, easily hackable, and often running on Windows 7 or older operating systems…
None of the Voting Machines in America Will Be Certified before the 2024 Election…
New federal guidelines have been issued in order for all voting machines to be updated with new security features ahead of the 2024 election. Guess how many states are going to fail to update their systems in time for the election? Zero. Not a single one…
Mark Zuckerberg Group to Store ‘Voting Machines and Ballots’ Ahead of 2024 Election…
An organization funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is buying up storage space to store “voting machines and ballots” that will be used in the 2024 election…
Arizona Finds Massive Issues with 2022 Election Tabulators, Misread Nearly a Quarter of a Million Votes…Here’s What You Should Know About the Ongoing Fight for Fair Elections…
According to Shelby Busch, who helped analyze the tabulator machines, there were 446 tabulators, 2 in each precinct, with “nearly a quarter of a million voter attempt failures.”…
Prominent Pollster Says Time for America to Mandate All Votes Be Counted on Election Day…Let’s Get Rid of These Machines and ALL of the Ballot Early/Late Voting Crap!!!…
God love Scott Rasmussen. Whenever they call the house to poll I pick up. His latest findings show a whopping 80% of really, really wise voters who want results on the same day they vote. You know, kinda how it used to be before voting machines…
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