Scrutiny from Washington aggravated tensions within the venture-capital firm, fueling its decision to break up…
China’s Semiconductor Industry Rocked by U.S. Export Controls…
China’s semiconductor industry has been rocked by new US export controls as tensions grow between Washington and Beijing…
Joe Biden Was Deeply Involved With Selling U.S. Natural Gas to the ChiComs, New Docs and Whistleblowers Reveal…
Republicans on the House Oversight and Reform Committee have obtained bombshell documents proving that Joe Biden was deeply involved in the family business of selling American natural gas to the Chinese–while he was planning to run for President…
Federal Judge Orders National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence to Open Meetings and Records to Public…
In a victory for government transparency advocates, a federal judge on Monday ordered the government commission responsible for developing policy recommendations on the use of artificial intelligence in U.S. national security and defense to begin opening up its operation to scrutiny by making its meetings and records available to the public. U.S. District Judge Trevor […]
Trump Administration Provides New Evidence for a Saudi Connection to 9/11…
The debate over what actually occurred on 9/11 and, more to the point, who might have been behind it, continues to preoccupy many observers worldwide. There is considerable legitimate concern that the commission that reviewed the incident engaged in a cover-up designed either to excuse a catastrophic failure on the part of the United States’ […]
President Trump Tells China Only a Full Trade Deal, No Partials – Pouting Deputy Pandas Leave Early…
For the past several weeks China has been hoping to divide the trade dispute into two tracks thereby separating trade issues related to U.S. national security. Beijing wants, heck needs, the simple agricultural trade because they are food dependent and need that uninterrupted. However, they are strongly opposed to a comprehensive trade reset. Beijing wants […]