by Political Moonshine at Political Moonshine’s Newsletter
Before Ukraine, there was Georgia and for the West and in particular the US Intelligence Community/Pentagon/NATO/State Department conglomerate, the operations and objectives for both are essentially identical. Like Ukraine, Georgia is a former satellite state of the Soviet Union. Like Ukraine, the IC/DoD/NATO/State conglomerate has engaged in regime change operations to install a pro-Western [US and EU] government. Like Ukraine, Georgia is a target for NATO membership. Like Ukraine, the Georgia timeline draws back much further from the present. Like Ukraine, Georgia is contiguous to Russia and therefore aggravates national security and sovereignty considerations in the same ways. Like Ukraine, the conglomerate is using Georgia in its decades-long frontal assault on Russia in order to capture Russia for Globalist interests.
Russia-Georgia relations are long and complex so our objective is to understand enough about them in order to place a lens over new developments in the small nation with a hostile political environment in order to better understand the intense war escalations occurring on a rough 24-hour cycle over the past two weeks.
The genesis of Georgia’s politically constructed pro-Western movement draws back to The Rose Revolution of 2003 and then later, The August War of 2008.
Within the IC/DoD/NATO/State conglomerate’s normal operations and as a function of institutional preservation, presidential transition is a key period of time that is routinely co-opted and leveraged to achieve operational objectives: Will Devastating History Repeat Itself as Biden Administration Plans Presidential Transition to Trump? Planting Another Bomb Like in 2017?
In a brief sidebar, that is precisely what in-part makes right now through to 20 Jan 25 the most dangerous period in all of US history as an illegitimate empire with a January expiration date fights to its death struggling to reestablish some degree of control.
Note the advanced timing of The August War relative to the presidential transition from George W. Bush to Barack Obama, which followed the November 2008 election.
Obama would go on with Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan, et al. to infiltrate Ukraine beginning around 2014 to cause the resulting Maidan Revolution: The Keystone of Corruption.
That was the name given to the operations that eventually installed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with the help of Ukrainian oligarch, Ihor Kolomoyskyi: The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine, the FTX Scandal, PrivatBank, the National Bank of Ukraine and Ihor Kolomoyskyi.
GO DEEPER ON GEORGIA: Russia or the West: The Stakes in Georgia’s Election.