FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is touted on the Left as the second largest donor in the 2022 midterm election. Those donations are known. What isn’t known is the $37M in ‘Dark Money’ he gave to Republicans who used the dough to make sure Trump endorsed/backed candidates lost their races…
New GOP Majority Whip Tom Emmer Worked to Block SEC from Investigating FTX…
Republicans and Democrats are up to their eyeballs in FTX’s money laundering ponzi scheme. They went so far as to block an SEC investigation into FTX…
The Keystone of Corruption: FTX, Ukraine, Money Laundering Operations, the FBI and the Crypto Cookie Jar…
To understand the complexities of the FTX scandal in one of two epicenters of The Biden Crime Family’s corruption, crime and treason – Ukraine – is actually quite simple at a fundamental level [the other epicenter is China.]…
Talk About Rigged: Bahamas AG Previously Employed by Bank of FTX…
The Bahamas Attorney General Ryan Pinder, who gave an official address Sunday evening on the FTX crisis, formerly held the title “Head of Wealth Management” at e-banking platform Deltec, which was listed as a bank of FTX in the company’s recent bankruptcy filings…
FTX Owned an $11.5M Stake in a Tiny Rural Bank in Washington State with Just 3 Employeees, Bankruptcy Hearing Shows…
Farmington State Bank had 3 staff and was the 26th-smallest bank in America out of a total 4,800…
More On the FTX Crypto Scam – “There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute.”
Yours truly must admit that if SBF does participate in the New York Times Dealbook conference on the 30th as scheduled, it would either indicates that his judgement is severely impaired and he is ignoring legal advice or he has good reason to believe that his risk of being prosecuted is extremely low…
FTX’s Crypto Ponzi Scam Was Also a Green Scam…
Why should anyone be surprised? Sam Bankman-Fried sold himself as a Greenie but now admits was just a con…
Big Media Implodes: The Intercept And Other Media Engulfed By Scandal: FTX Was Giving Millions to Outlets Including The Intercept, ProPublica, VOX. Semafor, Vanity Fair, And More…
Looks like the FTX money-laundering operation paid off liberal digital media outlets to push the Establishments COVID narrative – vaccinations will prevent COVID, they don’t, wearing a mask prevents getting COVID, they don’t and lockdowns are needed, they aren’t…
Missouri v Biden: Judge Smacks Down Government Attempt to Avoid Depositions…
Missouri v Biden was brought by the State Attorney General on behalf of Missourian’s who have been and continue to be harmed by the federal governments censoring their speech. This case is pulling the proverbial curtain back fully exposing the dark minds behind the brutal attack on American’s First Amendment rights…
“NEWLY RELEASED documents provide details of US-funded research on..coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology..The Intercept has obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailing..work of..EcoHealth Alliance..at the Chinese lab..”…