As more airports in the United States adopt facial recognition technology, the privacy of Americans is once again threatened…
Exposing the “Digital ID Is a Human Right” Scam…
A major component of the Great Reset-Technocratic Agenda is the implementation of a worldwide digital identity scheme. One of the first steps to realize this goal is to convince the public that digital identity programs are a “human right” worth fighting for. Why is the push for digital identity absolutely vital to the Technocrats visions?…
Inside Amazon’s Plan for Alexa to Run Your Entire Life…
The creator of the famous voice assistant dreams of a world where Alexa is everywhere, anticipating your every need…The crux of the plan is for the voice assistant to move from passive to proactive interactions. Rather than wait for and respond to requests, Alexa will anticipate what the user might want. The idea is to […]
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt on Biology: “Something that can be digitally manipulated”…
It’s easy to laugh at the barking insanity of these monsters, but at the same time, you probably know someone who spent their hard earned money to buy a “smart speaker” surveillance platform for their home. Via: CNBC: Brain inserts and carbon-absorbing bacteria aren’t just the fantasies of Silicon Valley’s richest executives, they’re also a […]
Did U.S. Navy Patent Tic-Tac UFO Technology?…
SHOT: At some level, there probably exists much more knowledge about the nature of the objects in the videos than we are being told… I think there’s at least better than even odds that an American is at the controls (possibly by remote) of the craft shown in the videos. CHASER: Patent documents indicate that […]
Paul Hellyer: Why Is the U.S. Government Releasing UFO Videos Now?
Limited Hangout: ‘Wow, What Is That?’ Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects – While I’d like to know what they’re showing us, I am far more interested in Why Now? and To What End?…
Does Society Realize It Is Being Initiated?…
TruthStream media is tackling a concern many suspect to be occult related, but can’t quite put their finger on it because it’s crazy. That is all of this occult entertainment coming out of Hollyweird and the musical industry. You aren’t crazy for thinking what you are watching or listening to is…
Google exists to answer our small questions. But how will we answer larger questions about Google itself? Is it a monopoly? Does it exert too much power over our lives? Should the government regulate it as a public utility — or even break it up? In recent months, public concerns about Google have become more […]
Facebook Censorship Widens…
Facebook Hack Shows It’s Time to Upgrade Our Method of Verifying Identity…
The hacker tricked Facebook’s customer support into resetting the victim’s password and disable the account’s security mechanisms by pretending to be his victim…