The reset crew is no different than any antagonist in Shakespeare, or Virgil, or Homer, or Scripture; their own folly will be their demise, and the truth will prevail along with the sane people…
Exposed: Klaus Schwab’s School for COVID Dictators, Plan for ‘Great Reset’ VIDEO…
Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency…
Allison Mack Released on $5M Bond…
Allison Mack is to be released on $5 million bail today and will be on home arrest – cyber monitoring – and will reside in California with her parents pending trial. Her parents put up their home and Mack herself put up her retirement account as bail. She was arrested Friday and spent the weekend […]
Mack’s Sex Cult Partied on Richard Branson’s Private Island…
The Oligarchs’ ‘Guaranteed Basic Income’ Scam by Chris Hedges…
A number of the reigning oligarchs—among them Mark Zuckerberg (net worth $64.1 billion), Elon Musk (net worth $20.8 billion), Richard Branson (net worth $5.1 billion) and Stewart Butterfield (net worth $1.6 billion)—are calling for a guaranteed basic income. It looks progressive. They couch their proposals in the moral language of caring for the destitute and […]
Sick: Bill Gates and Richard Branson Back Startup That Grows ‘Clean Meat’…
Cargill Inc., one of the largest global agricultural companies, has joined Bill Gates and other business giants to invest in a nascent technology to make meat from self-producing animal cells amid rising consumer demand for protein that’s less reliant on feed, land and water. Memphis Meats, which produces beef, chicken and duck…
President Of The European Parliament: “It Is Not The EU Philosophy That The Crowd Can Decide Its Fate”…
If anyone needs another confirmation that the European Union is fundamentally the most anti-democratic entity currently in existence…