While patriots battle draconian Covid measures in the United States, a watchful eye must be kept on the forced medication laws subsuming Europe…
New Zealand PM Calls for ‘Two Tier’ Society as Boris Johnson Admits Vaccine Does NOT Slow Spread of COVID…
Around the Anglosphere, political leaders are giving away their real plans: tyranny…
A New Word for the Administration: For Those Who Have Chosen Power and Profits over Patriotism…
“Paskudnyak” will surely become familiar to our ears during the remaining years of the Biden Presidency as this ill-starred administration becomes the tool of power players, profiteering lobbyists, and Progressives intent on abducting an enfeebled White House for their own socialist mission…
The Purges Have Begun…
Once the consciousness seeped in and the politicians panicked, we moved quickly from travel restrictions to lockdowns to mask mandates to domestic capacity restrictions to vaccine mandates. Somewhere along the way, we learned to classify people by profession, stigmatize the sick, then finally to demonize the noncompliant. It’s been 20 months of intensified controls, driven by political leaders from both parties, with precious little dissent from media organs…
MUST READ: The Dream Palaces of the Americans…
Afghanistan belongs to the Taliban now, but the Washington elite still has Palestine as an object of its active fantasy life. Naftali Bennett would be wise to stick to the reality principle…
WATCH Cuban Man Delivers Brutal Message to Pro-Communist BLM…
The protests continued against Cuba in Miami (see video below), where there is a large population of Cuban people who fled the Communist dictatorship. They know what it’s like to live under a Communist regime, unlike the Black Lives Matter supporters of Communism. A group from Miami even traveled to the White House to protest (see video below)…
FBI Triggers Politically Strategic Narrative, Highlights Q-Anon Supporters as Domestic Violent Extremists…
The left-wing extremist Saul Alinsky famously instructed his radical followers on the best way to attack their political opposition. Alinsky told his communist crew to “Isolate, Ridicule and Marginalize” their opponents. In the decades since those first Rules for Radicals were published the instructions have been used and adapted on a continual basis by a growing faction inside the Democrat apparatus…
JoeBama Trashes Donald Trump and Trump Supporters at Overseas Press Conference…
President Joe Biden criticized supporters of former President Donald Trump as a “significant minority” of Americans during a press conference in Europe on Monday…
Group of Nevadan’s Pushing for Teacher Body Cams to Make Sure They Are Not Teaching Students Critical Race Theory…
The body camera proposal was suggested by the Nevada Family Alliance at a Washoe County school board meeting this week…It is response to a plan from the district, which includes the city of Reno, to expand the K-5 curriculum to include more teaching about racism…
More from Loudon County Mom Xi Van Fleet: “I just want to let the American people know that what is going on in our schools and in our country is really a replay of the cultural revolution in China’…
Loudoun County School Board held a meeting on Wednesday night, where concerned teachers and parents spoke out against critical race theory…Mother Xi Van Fleet told the Board that the push is ‘heartbreaking’ because it reminds her of her time living in Maoist China…
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