1200 days with no trial or bond is an abomination! This persecution over a protest fomented by grown men and women who knew better must end and must end now. Enough!!!
Speaker Mike Johnson Releases J6 Footage…
Mike Johnson agreed to make good with the base and release the J6 footage from Capitol security cameras that the Capitol police have kept under wraps, with some limited exceptions. Johnson’s release of the J6 footage has done a great deal to re-introduce Americans to the falsity of the official narrative of January 6th…
Federal Prosecutor Admits DC Police Officers Acted as Agent Provocateurs During Jan. 6 Riot…
The stunning development was uncovered during a J6 defendant’s trial…
20 CONFIRMED INCIDENTS AND OPERATIONS: The DOZENS of Feds, FBI Agents and State Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds On January 6th At the US Capitol and Led the Protests…
We are now up to 20 different confirmed and documented incidents involving dozens of feds, FBI agents, and state operatives leading the charge on January 6!…
THIS IS EXCEPTIONAL: The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection…
Long time CTH reader “Regitiger” has spent a great deal of time reviewing the entire process, looking at the granular timeline and then overlaying the bigger picture of the constitutional and parliamentary process itself. What follows below is a brilliant analysis of the federal government motive to create a J6 crisis that permitted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to trigger an emergency session and avoid the 2020 election certification challenges…
Internal Capitol Police Email, Court Testimony Reveal Senior Official Knew ‘3 Million’ Might Attend Jan. 6 Rally…
The United States Capitol Police had information at least two days before the events of Jan. 6, 2021, indicating that attendance at President Donald Trump’s rally at the Ellipse on that day could swell to 3 million people, according to a federal trial exhibit and court testimony from a senior USCP commander…
Dear Conservatives, I Apologize…
My “Team” was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda…
McCarthy Vows to Release Full January 6 Footage to the Public…
“This is all about transparency, and it won’t just be to Tucker.”…
Tucker Carlson Defends Himself Against DC Attacks – “We are learning who the liars are”…
Tucker Carlson takes on the UniParty in Congress and he’s on fire…