On Thursday, the Daily Beast published an article about the Saudi/US relationship by David Rothkopf, a long-time member in good standing of the U.S. Foreign Policy elite. Until last year, he was the editor-in-chief of the establishment journal Foreign Policy, named to that position in 2012 when it was owned by the Washington Post. He’s […]
The Most Repulsive 3 Minutes Ever Broadcast on TV…
MUST READ: MSNBC and Daily Beast Feature UAE Lobbyist David Rothkopf with No Disclosure: a Scandalous Media-Wide Practice by Glenn Greenwald…
How Trump Confidant Was Ready to Share Inside Information with UAE…
Donald Trump’s closest confidants were willing to exchange inside information about US government appointments with Yousef al-Otaiba, the Emirati ambassador to Washington, a new set of leaked emails has revealed. The president-elect’s advisers also pledged to Otaiba that they would keep his government’s interests at the heart of the new administration’s Middle East policy. The […]
Hacked Emails Show Top UAE Diplomat Coordinating with Pro-Israel Think Tank Against Iran…
The email account of one of Washington’s most connected and influential foreign operatives has been hacked. A small tranche of those emails was sent this week to media outlets, including The Intercept, HuffPost and The Daily Beast, with the hacker promising to release a trove publicly. The hotmail account belongs to the UAE’s ambassador to […]
Russian Missile System ‘Very Capable’ of Shooting Down U.S. Planes…
The Russian air defence system in Syria has closed down the US’s military options. Hillary Clinton knows it and her policies in Syria if she is elected President will be simply a continuation of Obama’s…
U.S. Army Chief Talks Up War With Russia, Insists U.S. Will Win…
Clinton’s “No-Fly Zone” over Syria Will Not “Save Lives”. It Will Lead to War with Russia…
In a Senate Arms Services Committee hearing, Dunford said, “Right now, Senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria it would require us to go to war, against Syria and Russia,…” (Senate Armed Services Committee, September 22, 2016)…