Federal law bans American farm workers from collective bargaining…
Foreign Countries Are Steeling Our Jobs, and Joe Biden Is Enabling It…
President Trump is the real ally of American workers, and will restore America’s manufacturing base once again…
America’s Anti-Trump Labor Bosses Declare War on Their Own Rank and File…
The story behind the story direct from the Trump White House…
‘Union Joe’ Biden Teamed Up With GM Chief To Push a Transition to Electric Vehicles. It Could Come Back to Haunt Them…
Painful EV transition pushed by White House is central to auto worker complaints…
220,000 Member American Postal Workers Union Releases Statement Against Mandatory Vaccinations for Federal Employees…
One of the reasons why the federal mandate for vaccinations will fail will be the backlash and refusal compliance by the blue-collar workforce…
Teachers Speak Out About Frustrations with Unions Slow-Walking Schools Reopening: ‘Politics Seems to Rule’…
“For the past year, there has essentially been a national teachers union strike that has left tens of millions of families without access to an adequate education,” said Tommy Schultz, vice president of the American Federation for Children, a nonprofit supporting school choice programs…
Former UAW President Admits Guilt in Massive Embezzlement, Racketeering and Tax Evasion Scheme…
Former United Auto Workers (UAW) President Gary Jones confessed to conspiring with other top officials of the storied labor organization to embezzle more than $1 million in member dues in an attempt to further racketeering and tax evasion activities, according to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Jones, 63, “pled guilty to one count of […]
Good Riddance to Obama’s ‘Joint Employer’ Rule…
For all their triumphalist talk of ascendant demography and permanent majorities, Democrats have never really come to terms with the slow death of the labor movement. Unions have never been less relevant than they are today in the modern economy. Where they have not been obviated by workplace health and safety rules, they are being […]
Union Membership Hits Historic Low as Wage Gap Looms…
Membership in labor unions fell to just 10.5 percent last year to arrive at a figure that is the lowest since 1983, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) started tracking it for the first time. The latest BLS data shows that union membership in 2018 was down 0.2 percent from the previous year, with […]
Amazon’s Aggressive Anti-Union Tactics Revealed in Leaked 45-Minute Video…
Amazon, the country’s second-largest employer, has so far remained immune to any attempts by U.S. workers to form a union. With rumblings of employee organization at Whole Foods—which Amazon bought for $13.7 billion last year—a 45-minute union-busting training video produced by the company was sent to Team Leaders of the grocery chain last week, according […]