But a tremendous thing was done over the last number of months, but really, if you go back to it, over the last number of years. We had the witch hunt. It started from the day we came down the elevator, myself and our future First Lady, who’s with us right now. Thank you, Melania. […]
Bush-Obama School Reform: Lessons Learned (TRANSCRIPT)…
Trump’s Remarks at Signing of EO to Create Energy Independence (TRANSCRIPT)…
Pope Francis: Christmas Message ‘Urbi et Orbi’ –
Today, the Church once again experiences the wonder of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the shepherds of Bethlehem, as they comtemplate the newborn Child laid in a manger: Jesus, the Saviour. On this day full of light, the prophetic proclamation…
Under Pressure, Lynch Relents And Releases Unredacted 911 Transcript…
Under pressure from Republican leaders, the Justice Department on Monday afternoon reversed itslef and released a full, unredacted transcript…