Democratic members have struggled with changing rationales for voting against Barrett, who has impeccable credentials as an accomplished academic and respected jurist…
Federal Court Rules Obamacare Mandate Unconstitutional but Sends Case Back to Lower Courts…
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals returned a closely watched case on Obamacare back to the lower courts, declaring the health insurance mandate unconstitutional while saying the rest of the law needed further analysis. The 2-1 panel decision means that Obamacare’s future is unlikely to be resolved before the 2020 elections. Had the judges […]
Understanding the New Obamacare Decision, Texas v. United States: Part I…
Recently a federal district court found that the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional. The reaction was swift and brutal. One prominent law professor at Harvard described the case as “a political objection in legal garb,” and concluded that “there is every reason to believe that a strong, nonpartisan majority of justices will do their constitutional […]
Analyzing Judge O’Connor’s ACA Decision…
Texas ObamaCare Blunder…
How a Pickup Basketball Game Landed This Man At Odds with the Obama Admin…
A botched rebound during a pickup basketball game changed the trajectory of Dr. Dana Kuhn’s life forever, sparking a nearly three-decade-long campaign to help people pay for health care that would otherwise leave them financially destitute. His mission to provide at-need individuals and families relief has landed him at odds with the highest government health […]
How Iowa Became An Obamacare Horror Story..
Nick Podhajsky plans to get married this year for an unusual reason: health insurance coverage. The 44-year-old farmer had expected to tie the knot next year. But because Iowa’s individual health insurance market is in chaos—with competition disappearing and prices skyrocketing—his fiancee was potentially going to be left with no affordable coverage options for next […]
Senate Bipartisan Deal to Stabilize Obamacare “Dead On Arrival” in the House…
Not even a full day after Senators reached a “bipartisan” deal to keep subsidies to health insurers for the next two years, this latest attempt to keep Obamacare alive appears to be dying, because moments after Fox News reported that the Alexander-Murray Bill “will be dead in the House” as many in the GOP “want […]
GOP Senators Introduce Bill to Relieve Americans of Obamacare Mandate…
Senators Have Reached a Bipartisan Deal to Save Obamacare Markets…
Sens. Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray, the top Republican and Democrat on the Senate health committee have reached a bipartisan deal to provide funding for health insurance subsidies, Alexander said on Tuesday. Last week, President Trump said the administration would stop making the payments, which help cover the cost of insurance for low-income Americans on […]