The men behind the shocking explosion of a Cybertruck outside Trump hotel in Las Vegas and the terrorist truck attack in New Orleans share a curious link…
Rank-and-File FBI Agents Dismayed, ‘Embarrassed’ by Bureau’s Handling of New Orleans Terror Attack…
FBI agents say the bureau’s initial response to the New Year’s Day terrorist massacre in New Orleans’ French Quarter was disastrous and another reason the Senate can’t move fast enough to confirm President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to run the agency…
Russia Tells U.S. Ambassador, ‘We are no longer at peace’…
Russia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov says Washington “has effectively become a party” to the war on Ukraine’s side, the ministry said in a statement, adding, “Retaliatory measures will certainly follow.” It did not elaborate.”…
TWOFER: Alex & Alexander of The Duran and Scott Ritter Joins Judge Napolitano Who Provide Updates on the American ATACMS Fired on Sevastopol, Crimea and the Terrorist Attacks in Dagestan on Sunday…
You want to know what really happened over the weekend in Russia with US Army Tactical Missile Systems, ATACMS, and the terrorist attack in Dagestan killing the Father of the Derbent Church then listen to Scott Ritter who goes in to great detail with Judge Napolitano and from across the pond Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris provides even more details but from the European perspective…
Sunday Talks – Former CIA Chief Who Constructed Both Trump-Russia Narrative and Russian Biden Laptop Narrative, Says Terrorist Attack Imminent…
“2024 is another presidential election year. The problem for the Intelligence Community (IC), is their prior lies have caught up with them. They cannot lie Biden back into office. The IC needs something else, something more severe. Something more dramatic. Mike Morell is now saying a terrorist attack is about to happen on USA soil. “
CIA Veteran: US and British Intel Agencies Likely Behind Dagestan and Sevastopol Attacks…
It is no coincidence that the Ukrainian terror shelling of Sevastopol came the same day as a series of shootings in Dagestan — with NATO agents likely behind both, CIA veteran Larry Johnson told Sputnik…
Russia Opens ‘Financing Terrorism’ Probe Implicating Western Countries…
Russia on Tuesday opened a probe into “financing terrorism” that implicates Western countries, saying funds received by US firms in Ukraine — including one that employed Joe Biden’s son — were used for “terrorism acts” in Russia…
Russian Investigators Establish Link Between Moscow Terrorist Attack Suspects and Ukrainian Nationalists…
Large sums of money were transferred to the Crocus City Hall attackers from Ukraine, the Russian Investigative Committee has said…
TWOFER: Moscow Terror Attack — Rogue Ukrainian Op or Western Backed? WATCH Larry Johnson and Judge Napolitano Discuss Whether MI6 and/or CIA Behind Moscow Terror?……
Lots to cover with respect to Friday’s mercenary terrorist attack in Moscow. Why do I call it “mercenary”? Because it appears that the perps had no ideological axe to grind and were hired for a relatively paltry sum and carried out indiscriminate killing at a public gathering of civilians…
LIVE UPDATES: 40 Dead, Over 100 Injured in Mass Shooting at Moscow Concert Venue, FSB Says…
Being updated – At least three people in camouflage opened fire at the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow on Friday, a Sputnik correspondent reported. More than 100 people were injured in the shooting, while the concert hall caught fire, according to the correspondent. “At least three people in camouflage burst into the ground […]