Honestly, since it is the Biden-Obama-Soros administration who bamboozled Ukrainians to support US policy that stands against Russia, it’s the least congress can do given the countries infrastructure has been blown to smithereens while leaving more than 500,000 military men and women dead…
Russia’s Defense Minister Estimates More Than a Half a Million Men and Women Have Been Killed in Ukraine…
Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu estimates more than 500,000 military aged men and women have been killed since 2022. Many foreign policy and military experts believe the numbers are much greater…
Ukraine Gets Their Billions Despite CIA Director Reportedly Warning Zelenksy to Stop Stealing So Much Money…
The T-Room is so disgusted by anyone evil enough to vote in favor of sending $61 Billion to a government who has no chance in hell to win against the very well armed, trained and now seasoned Russian military. All this money will do is kill more young Ukrainians. Despicable, truly and absolutely, despicable…
J.D. Vance: The ‘MATH’ on Ukraine Doesn’t Add Up…Neither Does Anything Else!!!
Ukraine’s challenge is not the G.O.P.; it’s math. Ukraine needs more soldiers than it can field, even with draconian conscription policies. And it needs more matériel than the United States can provide…
Russia Delivers Major Blow to Ukraine by Destroying Kiev’s Biggest Power Plant…
Ukraine’s government is facing a juncture described in Marguerite Yourcenar’s The Memoirs of Hadrian: “I begin to discern the profile of my death.” Russia is demonstrating that it can turn the lights out all over Ukraine. That time has now passed. Russia has destroyed the largest generating plant in the Kiev oblast, Tripilska Power Plant…
The Looming Ukraine Debacle…
There is indeed a serious risk that, rather than the West teaching Russia a lesson and putting Putin in his place, the opposite may occur…
Iowa Caucuses Livestream… Corporate Media Calls It for Trump While Iowan’s Are Still Caucusing…
As of 8:30pm both the Associated Press and The New York Times are calling Trump wins Iowa…
American Citizen Gonzalo Lira Dies from Healthcare Neglect in Ukrainian Prison…
Gonzalo Lira, a prominent commentator on the Russia-Ukraine war imprisoned in Ukraine for speech critical of the country’s government, has died after weeks of medical neglect by Ukrainian authorities…
‘Ukraine doesn’t have any time to waste’: U.S. Races to Prepare Kyiv for Spring Offensive…
Washington is increasingly concerned about Ukraine’s dwindling supply of ammo and air defenses…
The Gathering Storm…
America’s self-inflicted trouble in Ukraine aggravates our dangerous trouble at home…