In 2006 we originally faced 20 DeceptiCons in the Senate. They represent the right wing of the DC Congressional UniParty. Having removed a few, and some of them died (McCain, Cochran) there are still 16 of them in office. They are led by Mitch McConnell…
Dear Senators Portman & Blumenthal: What Should Blogs Do If SESTA Passes?…
So we’ve spent some time talking about why SESTA is such a bad bill even in its updated form (which fixes just a tiny sliver of the overall problems). And we may have some more soon about other problems with the language in the bill, but for now I want to make this even more […]
Revised Healthcare Bill Released…
Senate Republican leaders on Thursday unveiled a revised version of their bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare as they race toward a high-stakes vote next week. The measure includes changes intended to win over additional votes, with leadership making concessions aimed at bringing both conservatives and moderates on board. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell […]
CBO Predictions About The Senate Health Care Bill Are Deeply Flawed…
If you want to understand the utter absurdity of the CBO’s predictions of health insurance coverage under GOP health care proposals, all you have to do is look at the three major GOP health care bills from the last two years: The Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act (H.R. 3762), the American Health Care Act, […]