The news that FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe was fired hours before qualifying for retirement with full benefits somehow grew over the weekend into a false impression that the career FBI agent was stripped of his pension altogether. Members of the media remarked that McCabe could “qualify for pension benefits” if he worked a little […]
McCabe Made Life Tough for Comey and the Special Counsel by Jonathan Turley…
McCabe Gave Interview, Handed Over Trump Memos to Mueller…
Former Official Blasts DOJ’s ‘Secret Plot’ to Protect Hillary in 2016…
McCabe Firing Shows Evidence of IG and Outside Prosecutor Working Together…
FLASHBACK: McCabe Initiated White House Meeting That Led to Leak…
McCabe Initiated White House Meeting That Led to Leak…
Mueller’s Russia-Gate Investigation Leave Trump Associates Struggling with Huge Legal Bills…
An expanding special counsel probe into the Trump campaign’s alleged Russian ties has saddled many of President Trump’s current and former associates with hefty legal fees and left them few options for footing the bill. More than a dozen people, including the president and vice president, are known to have hired…
Trump Aides Averted More Detailed Letter Justifying Comey Firing…
A draft letter from President Donald Trump justifying the firing of FBI Director James Comey and now reported to be in the hands of Special Counsel Robert Mueller was substantially watered down before Trump dismissed Comey in May, according to people familiar with the events. The decision to fire Comey was…
Political Hack Resigns. Loyal Gen (Ret) John Kelly Accepts President Trump’s Offer to Serve as Chief of Staff…
“I am pleased to inform you that I have just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White House Chief of Staff,” Trump announced on Twitter. “He is a Great American and a Great Leader.” Kelly earned the respect of the president as the head of his Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as the pair shared […]