Nearly 24 hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine under the guise of recognizing the autonomy of parts of the Donbas region, US President Joe Biden finally mustered a response…
Putin Tells Biden and the West to Pound Sand…
Putin is not going to “invade” Ukraine. Nope. But Russia now is prepared to fight on behalf of two independent Republics who ask for Putin’s help…
Moscow Says U.S. Embassy “Out of Touch with Reality” After Dire “Terror Alert”…
The US Embassy in Moscow issued an unusual “terrorism alert” to American nationals residing in the country on Sunday. It warned all US citizens of possible “attacks in shopping malls, metro, and railway stations” – and on that basis urged Americans to begin prepping plans to leave Russia…
Stockman: ‘We’re Not Useful Idiots!’…
We do think, however, that the entire Ukrainian crisis is a Washington-confected con job. And we came to that conclusion without relying on a single scrap of information peddled by Russki propagandists appearing on Strategic Culture Foundation or Zero Hedge…
Ben Rhodes Says You Won’t Find Anything on the Obama White House…
Former deputy national security advisor to President Obama, Ben Rhodes said that Attorney General William Barr and the Department of Justice “will find nothing” on the Obama White House, according to PJ Media. Moreover, Rhodes said there is no evidence that the Obama White House was involved in the Trump campaign and Russian collusion investigation. […]
Nellie Ohr Has Been Referred to DOJ for Criminal Prosecution by John Solomon…
Earlier today John Solomon wrote an article noting how congressional investigators were reviewing Nellie Ohr testimony against last month’s release of FOIA documents. There are significant differences between Mrs. Ohr’s testimony about her communication and contacts with DOJ and FBI officials, and the scale of contact within the FOIA release. According to an interview with […]