According to data from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the regulator of national banks, as of March 31, 2009, five bank holding companies held $277.57 trillion in derivatives (notional/face amount)…
Eight Wall Street Mega Banks Have Teamed Up to Run Television Ads in a Bogus Scare Campaign…
During the Sunday, December 10 news program on CNN, “State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash,” a deceptive, scare-mongering TV commercial popped up, warning that federal banking regulators’ proposed plan to require the mega banks on Wall Street to hold more capital against their riskiest trading activities “will increase the cost of mortgages and car payments” and “hurt small businesses, making it harder for them to access credit, meet payroll and run their operations.”…
Early Warning: Feds Alerted to Whistleblower Concern over Hunter Biden Business Deals in 2015…
Morgan Stanley whistleblower raised concerns to bank, federal regulators about “fraudulent” schemes, “suspicious” transactions…
New Evidence Emerges that the Investigation of the Fed’s Trading Scandal by the Inspector General Has Been a Coverup from the Beginning…
While multiple Wall Street watchdogs called for Powell to refer the investigation to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission – which conduct all legitimate insider trading investigations involving publicly-traded stocks — the Fed instead referred the investigation on October 4, 2021 to the Federal Reserve Board’s own Inspector General, who is appointed by the Chair of the Fed, reports to the Fed Board (including the Chair) and can be fired by a two-thirds vote of the Fed Board…
Casino Banking: Wall Street Mega Banks Traded More in Their Federally-Insured Bank Than the Total for Their Bank Holding Company…
When something happens for the first time in history at federally-insured banks, Congress and federal regulators need to pull their heads out of the sand and pay attention…
Morgan Stanley Sees S&P Tumbling As Low As 3,400: “That’s Where Valuation and Technical Support Lie”…
In the latest Morgan Stanley Sunday Start note published over the weekend, which this time featured the bank’s chief US equity strategist, Michael Wilson (who after BofA’s Michael Hartnett, is easily the street’s second most bearish strategist), the bank’s strategist elevated his bearish view up another notch, writing that this bear market will not be over until one of two things happens: “either valuations fall to levels (14-15x) that discount the kind of earnings cuts we envision, or earnings estimates get cut.”…
Fed Chair Powell Telegraphs the Perfect Storm for Wall Street’s Megabanks: Rapid Rate Hikes Hitting $234 Trillion in Derivatives…
The Federal Reserve (the Fed) is the central bank of the United States. It sets monetary policy, including control of the benchmark short-term interest rate known as the Federal Funds rate, or in Wall Street jargon, the “Fed Funds” rate. This is a key rate because it signals the rate at which overnight loans are made between financial institutions and the direction of interest rates in general…
Banks Sink – Throwing More Cold Water on All That Talk that Megabanks Are a Great Investment…
There are apparently stock-picking analysts across Wall Street pumping out buy recommendations on stocks to the public who have never cast their eyes on those chilling derivative charts published quarterly by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency…
Justice Department Opens Probe into Potential Bank Cartel That Financed Archegos…
Last evening, Bloomberg News, followed by the Wall Street Journal, reported that the U.S. Department of Justice has opened a probe into the late March collapse of the Archegos family office hedge fund…
Morgan Stanley Sold $5B in Archegos Shares Night Before News Hit That the Private Investment Firm Was About to Collapse…
Morgan Stanley sold roughly $5 billion in shares from Archegos late on Thursday March 25 before news of the doomed private investment firm was made public…Archegos, run by former Tiger Management analyst Bill Hwang, was fully aware that Morgan Stanley was looking to unload its stock along with Goldman Sachs…
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