Recently released e-mails show that Dr. Anthony Fauci knew key facts about the origins of COVID-19 in January 2020. But at that critical time, when the country was first learning about the virus, Dr. Fauci chose not to share the facts with Americans. Instead, he acted to conceal them…
The New York Times, Fauci, and the 2021 Coverup of a Virologist Who Accidentally Blew the Lid Off COVID…
From the beginning of the COVID tragedy, The T-Room has known the virus leaked accidentally/intentionally from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. We followed the entirety of the news pouring out of Wuhan those first days, weeks. Fauci suggesting it was Zoonotic was pure deception due to what we are now learning about the U.S. Military’s role in the funding of biolabs, including Wuhan, throughout the world…
Fauci’s Colleague Offered to Secretly Erase a COVID-19 Paper Containing Data Hidden by China. It Happened During an ‘Extremely Contentious’ Zoom Call Which Saw Scientists ‘Yelling at Each Other’…
Kristian Andersen – an Anthony Fauci confidant who has received research grants worth millions from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director – reportedly offered to secretly delete a research paper exposing the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s erasure of a database containing information relevant to the origins of COVID-19…