Western media has dismissed evidence of neo-Nazi influence in Ukraine by citing President Zelensky’s Jewish heritage. But new footage published by Zelensky shows the leader openly collaborating with a fascist ideologue who once pledged to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against Semite-led Untermenschen.”…
Israeli Lawmakers Table Bill to Imprison Christians for Sharing Their Faith in Jesus Christ…
While broad discrimination against Christians and other minorities remains, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish sponsor of the legislation stated the bill ‘is not planned to move forward at this stage.’…
Hundreds of Thousands to Go on Four-Day Nationwide Strike Over Vaccine Mandates: Organizer…
A nationwide strike against vaccine mandates will take place from Nov. 8 to Nov. 11, according to the main organizer for the walkout, Leigh Dundas, a human rights attorney and public speaker…
‘Dual US-Israeli Citizen Behind Most Jewish Community Center Bomb Threats…
A 19-year-old dual American Israeli living in Ashkelon has been arrested, suspected of being behind most of a series of bomb and other threats to Jewish communities in the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand that date back around six months, The Jerusalem Post has learned. As of Thursday, with a gag order on the […]