Last week it was announced that the United Arab Emirates would be joining India among the ranks of the BRICS bloc — a coalition that seeks to empower trade between the emerging economies of its member countries…
U.S. Pressures Saudi Arabia to Sell Oil in Dollars, Not Chinese Yuan, Amid Israel Negotiations…
The United States is negotiating behind the scenes with Saudi Arabia, pressuring the country to keep selling its oil in dollars…
Are You Ready for the Coming U.S. Government Default?…
The vast herd of investors are a deluded crowd. Following the Federal Reserve’s much anticipated 75 basis point rate hike on Wednesday the major stock market indexes jumped upward…
Not All Capital Is Equal; Some Is Destructive…
Financialization incentivizes hot money capital flooding into speculative credit-asset bubbles. When we speak of capital investments and capital flows, it’s presumed all the capital being referenced is equal: a dollar is a dollar, wherever and whenever it’s put to use. But not all capital is equal, and that is one reason why the global financial…
My Political-Financial Road Map for 2017 by Nomi Prins…
The central bank subsidization of the financial system (especially in the US and Europe) that began with the Fed invoking zero interest rate policy in 2008, gave way to international distrust of the enabling status quo that unfolded in different ways across the planet. My prognosis is for more destabilization, financially and politically. In other […]
Cash Means Freedom, Which Is Why So Many Officials Hate It…
Opponents and proponents of folding money agree that the stuff protects you from the state—but they differ about the value of that protection…