The 19 hijackers are long dead. But for 20 years or more, five men accused of conspiring in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks have been in U.S custody – first, for about three years, as “high-value” detainees tortured by the Central Intelligence Agency and its affiliates at secret “black sites” around the world; ever since as prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Station…
What Happened in North Carolina: The State’s Role in U.S. Post-9/11 Rendition and Torture…
The North Carolina Commission of Inquiry on Torture (NCCIT) released its 83-page final report this week on the state’s role in U.S. post-9/11 rendition and torture. Drawing on public hearings, extensive data, and investigation over 18 months, the citizen-led inquiry has assembled a detailed dossier connecting state infrastructural support for rendition flights to the fate […]
Blair and Brown Governments Gory with Torture…
Even I was taken aback by the sheer scale of British active involvement in extraordinary rendition revealed by yesterday’s report of the parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee. Dominic Grieve and the committee deserve congratulations for their honesty, integrity and above all persistence. It is plain from the report that 10 Downing Street did everything possible […]
True Scale of UK Role in Torture and Rendition After 9/11 Revealed…
CIA Documents Show How Deeply Doctors and Health Professionals Were Involved in Torture…
Obama Administration Hire’s ‘Abu Ghraib’ Torture Company for Syria…
Obama’s Detention and Interrogation Methods…
Declassified CIA Documents Reveal a Deadly Security State Operating Far Outside the Bounds of Democratic Control…
In June 2006, President George W. Bush told Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director Michael Hayden that he was worried. The subject of Bush’s concern was a picture of a CIA detainee…