On August 13, 2022, Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips described what they found last year on an unsecured server in China: personal information for 1.8 million US election workers…and more…
U.S. Election Software Company Previously Built Confucius Institute ‘Communication Platform’…
Konnech Inc., creator of the ‘PollChief’ software used by ‘thousands of Election Offices across North America’ built ChineseBrief.com for the Confucius Institute…
Former Gillibrand Aide Resigned in Protest Over Handling of Sex Harassment Claims…
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), one of the most outspoken advocates of the #MeToo movement who has made fighting sexual misconduct a centerpiece of her presidential campaign, spent last summer pressing legislators to update Congress’ “broken” system of handling sexual harassment. At the same time, a mid-20s female aide to Gillibrand resigned in protest over the […]
It’s Bernie, Bitch…
This dandy little bit of self-plagiarism is from three years ago, when I attended a painfully nerdy and shamefully self-congratulatory event to “Draft Warren” into the presidential primary. It was a farcical gathering of Type-A Tracy Flicks, barely worth the free booze, and even the assembled nerds quickly realized this Lisa Simpson of a dark-horse […]
Staffs Up for 2020…
Is Hillary Clinton Planning to Run in 2020?…
The messages convey a sense of urgency, and are coming with increasing frequency. They are short, focused reactions to the latest “outrage” committed by President Trump. Some end by asking for money, some urge participation in protests. All read as if they are sent from the official headquarters of the resistance. Hillary Clinton is up […]
‘She created this mess’…
The Missing “Oh Shit” Link Revealed: Hillary Admits “I Asked That They Be Deleted”…
New Clinton Emails Appear to Contradict Her Sworn Testimony…
Supreme Court Shuts Down Ohio Libertarians’ Ballot Request…
The Supreme Court says Ohio’s Libertarian Party cannot list Gary Johnson and Bill Weld as its candidates on general presidential election ballots…