Let’s talk about a classic example of corporate media election interference….
Trump Sues CBS News for $10 Billion Over Kamala’s Edited 60 Minutes Interview…
Former President Donald Trump filed a lawsuit against CBS News over Vice President Kamala Harris’ controversial 60 Minutes Interview in which the network heavily edited in what he called “election interference.”…
Facing FCC Investigation CBS Finally Responds to Accusations of News Manipulation…
CBS has been caught producing, via editorial manipulation, two entirely different responses to the same question…
OPINION: Kamala Harris Is an Idiot…
She’s wildly, catastrophically, incontestably out of her depth…
Wow – 60 Minutes Edits Kamala Harris Interview to Remove Her Jibberish and Completely Change Answers to Questions…
by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse I was initially wondering why it took CBS 60-Minutes over 36 hours to upload the full interview to their YouTube account. Now things make sense. CBS 60-Minutes not only edited the interview, but they also completely erased parts of the interview and structurally moved answers to questions in an […]
I watched FEAR creep across Kamala’s face during her trainwreck ’60 Minutes’ interview – but it was one horrific mistake that truly cost her everything…
Watch closely. You’ll see the creeping panic behind Kamala’s eyes in her ’60 Minutes’ interview…
Joe Biden’s 60 Minute Interview on Gaza Is the Saddest Media Display I Have Ever Witnessed…
I know many readers here will not like the thought of watching pudding brain mutter his way through a carefully edited and controlled interview by a corporate outlet intent on presenting Biden in the best possible light. However, you only really need to watch the introduction by CBS host, Scott Pelley…
U.S. to Keep Paying Salaries for Tens of Thousands of Ukrainians During Government Shutdown…
Since when, exactly, did it become official U.S. policy to pay government salaries plus benefits of other countries workforce and small shopkeepers?…
Biden’s ‘60 Minutes’ Interview Proved Once Again He Isn’t Running the Country, So Who Is?…
Biden’s Taiwan blunders and the White House’s repeated walk backs reveal what many Americans have long suspected: Biden is not running the U.S. government…
Gov Ron DeSantis to Media: ‘You ain’t running over this governor’…Calls 60 Minutes Piece of ‘Horse Manuer’…
“You come down to our state and you try to smear people, we’re going to bite back and we’re going to hold you accountable. This is not over by any stretch of the imagination.”…
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