Federal investigators are examining whether far-right news sites played any role last year in a Russian cyber operation that dramatically widened the reach of news stories — some fictional — that favored Donald Trump’s presidential bid, two people familiar with the inquiry say. Operatives for Russia appear to have strategically timed the computer commands, known […]
Michael Savage Following Alleged Assault: ‘It Is Clearly Open Season on Prominent Trump Supporters’…
After Savage told the man to “go away,” he started to turn. Horowitz said it appears that the man knocked Savage to the ground while also pushing his dog out of the way. At that point, another customer from the restaurant intervened, and Savage’s alleged assailant punched him in the face, Horowitz said. Savage was […]
First 33k Emails Were Deleted, Then BleachBit, Then a PC Disappeared, Now Boxes of Clinton Emails Missing…
Mike Pence Takes Victory Lap in Tim Kaine’s Backyard…
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, headed here in the backyard of his counterpart Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) to rub in his victory over the Democratic vice presidential nominee in Tuesday night’s debate…
Watch Rep Trey Gowdy Discuss the Latest FBI Dump of Hillary’s Email/Server Investigation…
Gowdy “I have been underwhelmed by an agency that I once had tremendous respect for. And it’s the Department of Justice who gives out immunity agreements. It’s not the FBI”…
The Immunized Five: Meet The People Covering For Hillary…
Obama’s Private Email With Hillary’s Private Email…
12 Bombshells from Latest FBI Dump…
Five More…
MSNBC, Politico, Bloomberg, CNN, McClatchy and More Confirm: Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Campaign Spread ‘Birtherism’ About Barack Obama…
The mainstream media, from Bloomberg News to MSNBC to Politico to the Washington Post and more, have all confirmed: Hillary Clinton’s failed 2008 campaign…