The House on Thursday passed legislation to tackle Puerto Rico’s debt crisis, as Congress took a large step towards addressing the economic and humanitarian crisis…
U.S. News & Reports
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Alligator Seen With Human Corpse in Its Mouth…
A Lakland Florida resident was terrified by the sight of an alligator with a human body sticking out of its mouth…
Journalists Harassed at Bilderberg Conference…
Several journalists were harassed by German Police as they attempted to cover the notoriously secretive Bilderberg conference…
Bet You Didn’t Hear Shell Spilled a Bunch of Oil in the Gulf…
A Shell helicopter spotted the spill—at that point, roughly the size of Manhattan—floating about 90 miles south of Timbalier Island, Louisiana…
Indian PM Modi Wants Stronger U.S. Security Ties…
In a speech to Congress, Modi declared that the U.S. and India could not act alone in the fight against terrorism. He also took the opportunity to…
Obama Slams Door in Putin’s Face: Says if Putin doesn’t want Russia’s retaliatory forces eliminated, he’ll need to be the one to press the nuclear button first…
On Sunday June 5th, Reuters headlined “Russia Says U.S. Refuses Talks on Missile Defence System”, and reported that, “The United States has refused Russian offers…
Who Runs Washington?
Like a mythical sea monster, the true nature of a Wall Street-London centered global corporatocracy is often talked about but rarely seen…
FBI Reveals ‘Additional Details’ About Clinton Email Probe in Secret Declaration…
The FBI is seeking permission to file a second, secret declaration in US District Court in Washington, DC describing its search for documents related to…
A ‘Bomb Train’ Derailed, Burst Into Flames, and Spilled Oil Into an Oregon River…
“Seeing our beautiful Columbia River Gorge on fire today should be a wake-up call for federal and state agencies — underscoring the need to…”
Remembering NPR Photojournalist David Gilkey and Azbihullah Tamanna…
David Gilkey, an NPR photojournalist was killed in Afghanistan along with NPR’s Afghan Interpreter and fellow journalist Zabihullah Tamanna…
The Greatest: “What we do in this life is the rent we pay for our room in the hereafter”…
“My focus is on trying to do what’s right, and I don’t just say that. I think I do it. I use my recognition to help other people…”
Obama Commutes Sentences for 42 More Offenders…
‘The individuals receiving a presidential commutation today have more than repaid their debt to society and earned this second chance’…
Judge Order Obama Administration to Release New Clinton Emails…
A federal judge has ordered the Obama administration to release new emails connected to Hillary Clinton before Democratic National Convention in July…
Judicial Watch Fights Clinton Aide Who Doesn’t Want Deposition Videotaped…
Pagliano will appear at the deposition solely to make an official record that he invoked his right to not incriminate himself under the Fifth Amendment…
Georgia’s ACLU Director Steps Down After Her Daughters Encountered Transgender Individuals in the Bathroom…
The head of Georgia’s ACLU chapter has resigned over President Obama’s directive for schools to let transgender students use…
2014 Saw a Significant Increase in the U.S. Death Rate in Over a Decade…
The death rate in the United States rose last year for the first time in a decade, preliminary federal data show…
State Dept Admits it ‘Deliberately’ Cut Part of Iran Secret Talks from 2013 Video…
The State Department deliberately censored a reporter’s question regarding secret talks with Iran from a video of a 2013 briefing…
Showdown Over Obamacare Subpoenas Escalating…
“Your refusal to provide the requested documents and information raises serious concerns about the Department’s willingness to be accountable for the lawful…
Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Law Firm Tied to Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton & the Clinton Foundation…
“If Hogan and Hartson previously represented the Clintons on tax matters, it is incumbent upon U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to [disclose] what, if any…
The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia’s 41-Year U.S. Debt Secret…
How a legendary bond trader from Salomon Brothers brokered a do-or-die deal that reshaped U.S.-Saudi relations for generations…