‘Idiotic’ doesn’t even come close to describing this…
Surveillance & Technology
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Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest Password Was ‘dadada’…
He Did Inform NSA About Surveillance Concerns, Internal Documents Reveal…
“It is, I could argue, technically true that [Snowden’s] email… ‘rais[ed] concerns about the NSA’s interpretation of its legal authorities’…
The Rise of the Meta-Criminal…Is the NSA Manipulating the Stock Market?…
The next step in all this spying would naturally involve penetrating trading markets and, using the deep data obtained, manipulate the markets…
The FBI Wants to Exempt Massive Biometric Database From the Privacy Act…
With the exemption, “they are maximizing their ability to act without oversight but they risk leaving victims of inaccuracies out in the cold…
Say Bye, Bye to Your Anonymity…250 Million Video Surveillance Cameras Are Capturing Your Every Move…
Nearly 250 million video surveillance cameras have been installed throughout the world, and chances are you’ve been seen by several of them today…
This Is Bad: Court Says Remastered Old Songs Get A Brand New Copyright…
Whoo boy. Did not expect this one. For a while now, we’ve noted a variety of lawsuits over pre-1972 sound recordings, due to a quirk in copyright law…
Caribou Coffee Learns That Even When You Win As A Trademark Bully, You Can Still Lose…
Take Caribou Coffee, for instance. America’s second-largest coffee retailer recently sued a tiny Michigan business called Blue Caribou Cafe…
Appeals Court Delivers Devastating Blow to Cellphone-Privacy Advocates…
When law enforcement asks a company for cellphone records to track location data in an investigation, is that a search under…
One More Time: Facebook Tracks Everyone…
There is no escaping Facebook’s advertising reach. The social network has announced that it will now be foisting ads on to every single person who uses third-party sites…