Captain Keshel breaks down the impossible statistical anomalies that defy election trends going back over 100 years, and pulls back the curtain on what it was like to be on the all-star team of General Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood…
Latest News
150 Multinational Corporations, the Wall Street Crowd, Urge Congress to Take Over U.S. Elections…
Here we go again, 150 multinational Wall Street corporations write a collective letter urging congress to pass the stalled legislation that would trigger a federal takeover of U.S. elections…
Here Is What Is Actually in the Texas Election Bills Democrats Keep Comparing to Jim Crow…
Texas Democrats fled the state in an effort to delay passage of the House version of the bill…
New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia to Tip 2020 Results…
In Georgia, there was both an audit and a statewide recount confirming Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally…
Texas Makes Good on Promise to Arrest Democrats for Fleeing Election Integrity Bill Vote…
The State of Texas is making good on its word that Democratic members of the legislature who fled votes on critical state business will be arrested or detained if necessary upon their return…
Wow, It was McSwain – President Trump Releases US Attorney Letter Notifying Him of Bill Barr Efforts to Block Investigation of Election Fraud…
Yesterday we were uncertain if it was US Attorney William M McSwain who notified President Trump of Bill Barr’s corruption and blocking of election investigations. {Go Deep} Today President Trump released the letter confirming it was McSwain…
Arizona Senate Pres Fann Says Audit Ballot Totals Don’t Match Maricopa County Numbers…
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said Tuesday the number of 2020 general election ballots tallied during the ongoing audit she authorized doesn’t match the total documented by Maricopa County, but the Republican didn’t know how far off the counts were…
Arizona Senate Has Decided to Recount All Ballots Audited in Maricopa County for a Third Time…
The ballots cast in Arizona’s largest county in the 2020 election will be counted for a third time on orders from the state’s Senate…
Tucker Carlson – Why So Many People Believe the Election Was Rigged…
I think I’ve had discussions w/enough Boomer-tier Trump supporters who believe the 2020 election was fraudulent to extract a general theory about their perspective. It is also the perspective of most of the people at the Capitol on 1/6, and probably even Trump himself. 1/x…
Why Is a Fusion GPS Attorney Risking Sanctions?
Fusion GPS appears desperate to settle a potentially catastrophic case…
Georgia SOS Raffensperger Investigating All Key 2020 Election Whistle Blowers…
For the past several months the office of Georgia Secretary of State (SOS) Brad Raffensperger has been quietly investigating whistle blowers who believe they detected potential fraud in the November 2020 election…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Democrats Can’t Stem the Flow of Revelations No Matter How Hard They Try…
Virtually every legacy media story about the 2020 election includes the phrase “baseless claims of voter fraud” in disparaging President Trump and anyone else who dares to point out the need for full forensic audits to sort out the mountain of election irregularities that continue to be uncovered…
Attorney Matt DePerno Found Same Problems in Michigan Being Reported in Arizona and Georgia (VIDEO)…
@mdeperno reports the same problems he found in Michigan are being found in Arizona and Georgia: Remote access log ons to election systems with ability to change results…
Federal Judge Rejects Challenge to Georgia Voting Law…
A federal judge in Georgia declined to block portions of the recently passed Georgia election law after an organization filed a legal challenge that sought to invalidate parts of the mandate…
OPINION: Trump Organization Indictments Are a Travesty of Justice…
It’s a travesty, not a triumph: Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance’s long-running investigation (with New York Attorney General Letitia James) into the Trump Organization just produced … indictments for minor offenses that almost never bring criminal charges…
Pennsylvania Sen Mastriano: Why I am initiating a forensic investigation of the 2020 General Election and 2021 Primary…
A forensic investigation of our election results and processes for the 2020 General Election and the 2021 Primary will go a long way to restore trust in our system. Voting is the fundamental right of all citizens. We should continually look for ways to improve the voting process to ensure every voice is heard…
A Refreshingly Honest Interview About Mitch McConnell and Republicans in DC…
McConnell is the most Machiavellian republican in modern history. In 2010 it was Senator McConnell who wanted to see the Tea Party destroyed, and he did everything in his power to achieve that goal along with his friend Tom Donohue, then president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce…
Outrage at NPR After It Called the Declaration of Independence ‘a document with flaws and deeply ingrained hypocracies’ and Warned Readers It ‘includes a racial slur’…
NPR’s annual July 4 reading of the historic document came with warning…The broadcaster noted the famous promise of ‘equality’ did not apply to women, enslaved people and Native Americans living in the country…It also noted a reference to Native Americans as ‘merciless Indian savages’…
CNN Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Chinese Communist Party, Claims Xi is ‘The Real Star’…
The Cable News Network (CNN) run by Jeff Zucker is celebrating the 100th anniversary of one of the most brutal and illegitimate regimes in human history – the Chinese Communist Party…
The Lone Republican on Nancy Pelosi’s Sad Little January 6 Committee Was Just Selected…
Liz Cheney will be the lone Republican on Nancy Pelosi’s non-independent, non-bipartisan, January 6 committee/futile anti-Trump witch hunt. The Wyoming Republican, who is the daughter of former Bush VP Dick Cheney, has proven to be a thorn in the side of Republicans. A very tiny, miniscule, almost non-existent thorn…
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