We are importing Radical Islamic Terrorism into the West through a failed immigration system…
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Hillary: Lone Wolves (TRANSCRIPT)…
As president, I will make identifying and stopping lone wolves a top priority…
Obama: Homegrown Extremism…
“As far as we can tell right now this is certainly an example of the kind of homegrown extremism that all of us have been so concerned about…
Sanders: Clinton Can’t Lead a Political Revolution…
Bernie Sanders said Sunday he doesn’t think presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is capable of leading the political revolution…
Stunning Emails Reveal How Clinton Foundation Donor Bought Seat As Hillary’s Nuclear Weapons Advisor…
Forget Hillary’s personal email server: this is what true cronyism and criminal corruption looks like, and this is the biggest threat from a Hillary presidency…
The Stealthy, Eric Schmidt-Backed Startup That’s Working to Put Hillary in the White House…
An under-the-radar startup funded by billionaire Eric Schmidt has become a major technology vendor for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign…
Trump Shatters Republican Primary Vote Record by 1.4 Million Votes…
On Tuesday Donald Trump closed the door on the Republican nomination for President by winning all five of the remaining primaries — New Jersey…
How California’s Primary was Rigged Against Independent Voters…
The most effective form of rigging actually takes place in subtle ways via long-exisiting Stalinist rules that normally don’t swing an election, but serve as an effective firewall against…
Obama Endorses Hillary…
Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton on Thursday, saying, “I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office”…
Trump’s Statement Regarding Trump University Lawsuit and La Raza Judge Curiel…
“It is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical attack against people of Mexican heritage. I am…
Sanders Refuses to Bend the Knee to Establishment…
‘We will take our fight for social, economic, racial, and environmental justice to Philadelphia,’ senator declares…
Bill, White House Staff Lived in Fear of Hillary: Ex-Secret Service Officer…
Hillary Clinton has a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality that left White House staffers scared stiff of her explosive — and even physical — outbursts…
Why Some of the Smartest Progressives I Know Will Vote for Trump Over Hillary…
Even on Wall Street, a powerful Sanders contingent so hates what Clinton stands for—the status quo—they’ll pull the lever for almost anyone else…
Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back…
In April 2015, Bill Clinton was forced to abruptly resign from his lucrative perch as honorary chancellor of Laureate Education, a for-profit college…
More Than Three Years After Admitting Targeting Tea Party Groups, IRS Releases List in Political Dragnet…
More than three years after it admitted to targeting tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny, the IRS has finally released a near-complete list of…
Obama Wanted to Cut Social Security. Then Bernie Sanders Happened…
‘It has become impossible for elected officials to ignore the simple fact that Social Security is a solution and not a problem’…
Donald Trump Supporters Terrorized By Raging Mobs In San Jose – A Democrat Mayor and Police Chief Watched It All…
This outline has five video segments for review. I warn you in advance the brutality on these videos is very disturbing…
Glenn Beck Suspended by SiriusXM for ‘Assassinate’ Trump interview…
SiriusXM announced Tuesday it was suspending Glenn Beck for a week of broadcasts on its Patriot Channel 125 due to comments made by guest Brad Thor…
Snowden and Clinton: The Classified Double Standard…
Where Edward Snowden was smeared, Hillary Clinton is ushered to the White House…
Whoops! Judge ‘Mistakenly’ Unsealed Too Many Records in Trump U Lawsuit…
Late on Tuesday, Judge Curiel entered new order that essentially tries to put the toothpaste back in the tube…