by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Please remember the PR firm alignment when you are deciphering the horsepucky. State Dept uses CNN, Intel Community use Washington Post, FBI use New York Times and Politico. This is constant. So, when you want to see the fraudulent narrative from the State Dept, check CNN. It’s all a pantomime, a theatrical performance, played out on a geopolitical stage.
We already know the baseline fraud from the Joe Biden White House. They have built out an elaborate and fabricated scenario that Russia is going to attack Ukraine. The have used the political control operatives within the IC, Pentagon and State Dept to manufacture their claim. There is no attack planned and there never was. The absence of the attack will be declared a brilliant and strategic victory by the Biden administration. That’s the plan.
In this ‘wag the dog’ scenario, Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky is being used as a pawn, as the United States keeps up the pretense. However, in a pretty smart move today, Zelensky tells the world –very publicly– the Americans have informed him of the exact date of the Russia attack (which he knows is never coming).
“February 16 will be the day of attack” on Ukraine by Russia, said a post on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s Facebook page accompanying a video address to his country on Monday night. (link) Wednesday aligns with the previous statements from the White House and State Dept.
On the U.S. side, in order to keep up the pretense of the pending attack; and to attempt to create a larger victory than the collapsed mess they created in Afghanistan; the State Dept issues a carefully crafted statement [LINK] declaring their mission priority to protect Americans and saying they are evacuating the U.S. embassy in Kyiv:…
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