by The Vigilant Fox at The Vigilant Fox Substack
“My heart is breaking — and I’m on the verge of tears,” grieved Dr. Naomi Wolf while speaking at a December 2 medical freedom rally in front of Yale University — in opposition to the Covid-19 vaccine mandate.
Yale is requiring students, most between the ages of 17 and 22, to take the bivalent booster tested on eight mice — while allowing their faculty a pass on the latest shot.
“I cannot believe that in the year 2022,” Naomi continued. “After 35 years of advocacy for women’s health and human rights and civil liberties, I’m standing here to say Yale University should not mandate 17-year-olds, 18-year-olds, 19-year-olds, 20-year-olds, 21-year-olds with an experimental dangerous mRNA lipid nanoparticle injection — just so they can come back to school and resume their educations! I can’t believe I have to say this. But here we are.”
Naomi expresses how she always believed Yale would “protect the civilization that it sought to portray — a civilization in which I learned about the Nuremberg Code here at Yale. I learned about the Geneva Conventions here at Yale. I learned about the Hippocratic oath … here at Yale University. I cannot believe I’m standing outside these walls, saying, ‘Don’t coerce minors and young adults into damaging their lives and submitting to an illegal injection that violates the Geneva Conventions, that violates the Nuremberg Code, that violates the Hippocratic oath, that violates basic human rights — so these kids can pick up their education.’ Don’t do it.”
Dr. Wolf moves on to the legalities — “or the crimes” —…
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