by Sam Faddis at AND Magazine
In the wake of 9/11, the decision was made to create a new position, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). Amid strong indications that members of the Intelligence Community were not sharing information and working together, it was believed a single individual needed to be given the power to get them on the same sheet of music. It was intended that this individual, the DNI, would be supported by a small staff of probably no more than 100 people.
As is so often the case in Washington, it did not turn out that way. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) ballooned in size. There are now roughly 2000 people in the ODNI. That is salaried federal employees. No one can tell you how many contractors there are. A good guess would be another 2000.
The ODNI not only grew in size, it veered off into all sorts of unintended directions. In recent years one of its primary obsessions has been with DEI and the installation of what amount to commissars in all corners of the Intelligence Community. The final step into the theater of the absurd came when Avril Haines the former owner of a small Fells Point bookstore that specialized in readings of erotic literature, was named to be the Director of National Intelligence.
It is long past time to restore common sense to the ODNI and to remember what the DNI was supposed to do. Fortunately, the individual named by the President to hold this position, Tulsi Gabbard, seems well-suited to do both. Most bio’s of Gabbard key on her service in Congress and her decision to leave the Democratic Party. What they don’t talk about nearly enough is her own service down range and her commitment to America’s veterans.
In April 2003,…
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