by Tracy Beanz at UncoverDC
If you have been an avid reader here at UncoverDC, you know more about COVID-19 than most. We released the first volume of our reporting a few months ago, which contained the work we had done through September of 2021. This work was based on truth, science, and fact. However, it ran counter to the “approved” narrative the legacy media and institutions were pushing on the American public in favor of mandatory vaccination and continued fear. But something has changed, and it appears that these same institutions want to start adopting some facts and some science as they attempt to navigate the new COVID variant named Omicron.
So, what is different with Omicron versus the other variants we have experienced, namely Alpha and Delta? The outright push for vaccination, you see!
The institutions and talking heads in this country spent months attempting to indoctrinate as many people as possible, letting all of them know that the vaccines were the answer to everyday life. They said that if you would just get the shot, everything could go back to normal. Except, everyone didn’t get the shot, and UK data is clear; the vaccines not only don’t work but have negative efficacy against Omicron. That means that if you have been vaccinated, you are more likely to be infected with COVID, not less. We have reported on this phenomenon here and here, but who are we to attempt to provide good, lifesaving data to the world? Conspiracy theorists! That’s who!

According to the CDC COVID data tracker, 73.3% of the U.S. population has had at least one dose of a COVID “vaccine.” They say that 85.5% of the population greater than 18 years of age have had at least one shot and that 95% of the population 65 and older are in the one-shot “vaccinated” group. The numbers are slightly lower for those considered “fully vaccinated,” a term whose definition changes as quickly as the definition of the word “vaccination” itself. The CDC tells us that 205.8 million people have been “fully vaccinated,” and 68.8 million have received a booster dose. Why are these numbers important? This is strictly my opinion, but I don’t think many reading this would disagree. It’s because, with each passing day, it becomes clearer that Americans who have not yet had a shot aren’t going to get the shot, and there is a large enough percentage of us out here without it that they need to do some cleanup on aisle COVID-19. Oh, and we are loud. We aren’t going away.

They tried bribes. They tried keeping us from going to concerts, restaurants, and movies. When all of that failed, they tried forcing us to inject ourselves with the shot using mandates at our workplaces, and even those are failing in spectacular fashion. They tried using muppets to entice us to “vaccinate” our kids. All of it has come home to roost, and they must do something.
If all the vaccinated people start realizing that the unvaccinated people are in better shape than they are, the institutionalists will have a pretty big issue on their hands. The failure of these experimental shots is impossible to ignore at this point. It isn’t just their complete inability to keep you from getting sick with COVID, it’s the fact that more and more vaccine-injured people are speaking out, and more and more Americans are getting tired of these tyrannical leaders coming for our children. It’s too late for them to fix the mess they find themselves in, but we are now going to explore all the ways “science” has suddenly made its way back to these “authority” figures. When we are done with this exercise, we will need to reflect on what has just happened to us over the past two years. Who will be held accountable for it, and how? But for now, let’s just document their hypocrisy, shall we?