by Dan Christensen at FloridaBulldog.org
As 9/11 victims await a federal judge’s decision on whether Saudi Arabia should be dismissed as a defendant in their massive civil action, “serious” allegations have emerged that a global accounting firm covered up evidence that a co-defendant “was involved in financing the 9/11 terrorist attacks.”
An anonymous whistleblower’s letter to a plaintiff’s lawyer involves a forensic accounting expert for the defense, Jonathan T. Marks, who was retained by the Saudi-based World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) to review records produced during the litigation related to claims made against WAMY and testify about his findings.
WAMY, whose U.S. chapter in Virginia was founded in 1992 by a nephew of Osama bin Laden, is a Saudi-funded charity that promotes Islamic teachings and encourages Muslims to be more religiously observant, according to the Pew Research Center. It is “widely regarded as promoting the strict Wahhabi brand” of ultra-conservative Islam, the center said in a 2010 report.
An Oct. 9 letter to presiding U.S. Magistrate Sarah Netburn from lawyers for both the 9/11 families and companies with commercial loss claims says the whistleblower “asserts first-hand knowledge that Marks and his employer, the accounting and consulting firm Baker Tilly U.S. LLP, with WAMY and its counsel, engaged in wrongful conduct during Marks’ engagement with WAMY. The conduct, as alleged, distorted the evidentiary record, obstructed expert discovery, and undermined the integrity and purpose of the deposition process (here to elicit the expert’s own independent and uninfluenced responses to the questions posed).”…
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