by Kent Shi at Daily Caller
The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus removed a music video from their public YouTube channel titled “A Message From the Gay Community,” in which the group sings “we’re coming for your children.”
“We’ll convert your children,” the SF Gay Men’s Chorus (@SFGMC) sings in a new video. “We’re coming for your children.”
The song was written by @RosserandSohne. Last year the duo apologized for writing music accused of endorsing Afghan child sex abuse. https://t.co/IwVxmlRFbC
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 8, 2021
The chorus released a statement July 1, claiming that the intent was “tongue-in-cheek humor,” also alleging that the chorus has reached out to law enforcement about hate messages and “threats of harm.” Moderators of major social media platforms are also contacted to take down copies of the original video that was made private, according to the statement.
“Gen Z’s gayer than Grindr…We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children… The gay agenda is here,” the chorus group sang, appearing to make fun of parents who are concerned for their children with the push of LGBTQ agenda by the media, according to the initial report by Not the Bee July 7. While the video is no longer available on their official YouTube channel, it can be found on Rumble. (RELATED: Sesame Street Introduces Family With Two Gay Dads)
The viral music video caused a backlash of criticism, including from religious leaders and conservatives:…
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