by Quoth the Raven at QTR’s Fringe Finance
At the beginning of 2022, I made the prediction that we would see the end of vaccine mandates and that the general populace’s deteriorating tolerance for nonsense would force a pivot in how the absolutely hysterical media covered Covid.
Fast forward eleven months and the same crazed media lot, most recently characterized by The Atlantic, is now pleading for mercy from those it shunned and ridiculed during the pandemic, under the guise of asking for “amnesty”.
“We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID,” Emily Oster wrote this week.

Oster’s plead for the decency that her ilk failed to offer up to most Americans during the throws of the pandemic comes at a point where the Covid narrative has been all but lost by the Democrats and the mainstream media.
There have been several recent large wins for the unvaccinated who had the constitution and backbone to stand up for themselves throughout a year of being constantly berated and ferociously scorned as second class citizens.
A majority of the media and Democrats had demanded that these people be removed from society and generally subject to scorn and ridicule. Now, in a moment that many of us knew would eventually be coming, apologies are being made around the world for how the unvaccinated were treated.
As Fox News wrote last week:
“The premier of Alberta, Canada, said she is working on a plan to pardon residents who were fined or arrested over breaking coronavirus protocols, and apologized to unvaccinated Canadians who faced ‘discrimination.’“
In New York, a Supreme Court judge recently reinstated all employees who were fired from their jobs for being unvaccinated:…
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