by Helen Tansey at The T-Room.us
Are you convinced the Kamala Harris team is serious about running and winning the presidency? We’re certainly not.
Yesterday, team Harris finally uploaded her positions on a number of issues only to learn much of it was lifted from the Biden 2024 campaign site. She’s her own person with her own ideas on how she see’s her role as the leader of the U.S. but you don’t hear a whole lot from her about the kitchen table issues facing Americans.
A quick snapshot of some of those bread and butter issues includes the August nonfarm payroll numbers showing Harris-Biden immigrants replacing American jobs, crime rising due to Venezuelan gangs taking over entire apartment complexes such as in Aurora, Colorado, runaway inflation that is deepening debt on the home and adding to our national debt, commie-style price controls when the U.S. economy is or at least was once based on a free and open market economy, the cost of energy which includes home heating oil, gas prices at the pump and natural gas costs, not to mention the devastation wreaked in Ukraine, Gaza and Israel.
We could go on and on just like you could. There is no shortage of how damaging the Harris-Biden administration policies have been since taking office in 2021.
Watch tonight’s first debate between the current VP Kamala Harris and Pres. Donald Trump with the Badland’s Media team.