by Darren Beattie at Revolver News
“Ding Dong, the witch is… retired.” Such was the sentiment among many in the America First foreign policy community at the shocking news of Victoria Nuland’s resignation from her position as Undersecretary for Political Affairs at the State Department—an elevated perch from which the controversial Nuland spearheaded and championed active US military involvement on behalf of Ukraine.
Victoria J. Nuland, the fourth-ranking official at the State Department and a determined advocate of tough policies toward Vladimir V. Putin’s Russia, will retire this month after more than 30 years of government service.
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced Ms. Nuland’s departure from the post of under secretary for political affairs on Tuesday in a statement noting her “fierce passion” for freedom, democracy and human rights, and America’s promotion of those causes abroad.
Mr. Blinken singled out her work on Ukraine, which he called “indispensable to confronting Putin’s full-scale invasion” of the country.
Biden’s slavish and bungling approach to arming Ukraine still wasn’t enough for Nuland, who consistently lobbied for more and more weapons, including anti-tank missiles. The esteemed Mrs. Nuland was no stranger to Ukraine politics and had amassed one of the most decorated Deep State resumes when it comes to influencing and outright meddling in the affairs of Ukraine and other Eastern European nations.
Nuland’s regime change tool of choice was, of course, the color revolution model, which involves a combination of lawfare, media censorship, leveraging Soros-controlled NGOs, and mass mobilization and street action efforts. In fact, Nuland enjoyed an honorable mention in Revolver News’ now classic color revolution series, advancing the argument that several key players in the plot against Trump were also part of the “Atlanticist” faction of the deep state that has traditionally relied on color revolution operations for regime change overseas.
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