by Jim Hoft at Vigilant News Network
In a damning revelation, an undercover video released by Louder with Crowder’s MugClub Undercover unit has exposed the United Nations’ deep-rooted fears of a second term for former President Donald Trump.
The undercover video features Jorge Paoletti, an associate legal officer in the treaty section of the UN’s Office of Legal Affairs.
He openly admitted that the UN is “terrified” of another Trump administration and that the organization’s globalist ambitions directly clash with Trump’s America First policies.
Paoletti: One of the defining features of this MAGA movement is the ultranationalism. It’s a movement that is deeply nationalistic. It’s American first, Make America Great Again, America, America, America, we hate immigrants, we hate everybody that is not us, that doesn’t think like us, look like us, right? That’s the central element.
One of the main enemies [of the MAGA movement] are what they call the globalists. I’m the definition of a globalist…I’m not sure the United Nations as an institution is going to survive a second term by Donald Trump.
MugClub Journalist: You said the United Nations? Wait, say that again?
Paoletti: I’m not sure the UN is going to survive a second term from Trump.
MugClub Journalist: Why do you say that?
Paoletti: Because the purpose of Donald Trump is to end the international institutions that somehow level the playing field. He wants America First.
MugClub Journalist: So, does the UN not want him?
Paoletti: I mean, we are terrified.
Paoletti’s admissions didn’t stop there. He went on to reveal that globalism is not just a vague idea but a concrete goal of the United Nations.
He explained that one of the UN’s objectives is to foster a global identity where individuals see themselves as part of a planetary community rather than as citizens of a particular nation:…
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