by James Fetzer
1. Medical Doctors Declare That The Pandemic Was Planned
A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1)
‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’
This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on 500,000 copies every week, to inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media.
They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up and several millions actually showed up.
Why do these 500+ medical doctors say the pandemic is a global crime? What do they know, that we don’t?
One of the many protests against the “plandemic” that you will not see in the mainstream media
2. Hundreds Of Spanish Medical Doctors Say The Pandemic Is Planned
In Spain a group of 600 medical doctors called ‘Doctors for Truth’, made a similar statement during a press conference.
Doctors for Truth, Spain
‘Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.’ (2)
Germany and Spain are just two examples. Similar large groups of hundreds of medical experts exist in countries across the world.
In the USA a documentary called PLANDEMIC, which exposes COVID-19 as a criminal operation, is supported by over 27,000 medical doctors!
Why are these thousands of medical professionals worldwide saying the pandemic is a crime? What information do they have access to, that we are not getting from the mainstream media?
I invite you to look at the following facts with an open mind and then come to your own conclusions…
3. In 2015 A Testing Method Was Patented For… COVID-19
In 2015 a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19′ was patented by Richard Rothschild, with a Dutch government organisation.
Did you catch that? In 2015 – four years before the disease even existed – a testing method for COVID-19 was developed. (2B) You can read the article here.
Take a deep breath and let that sink in for a while…
4. Millions Of COVID-19 Test Kits Sold In 2017 And 2018
As we know the new COVID-19 disease appeared in China towards the end of 2019. Therefore it was named COVID-19 which is an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019.
Data from the World Integrated Trade Solution, however, shows something astonishing:
“in 2017 and 2018 – two years before COVID-19 – hundreds of millions of test kits for COVID-19 were distributed worldwide.”
‘Quick! Hide It!!’
This baffling data was discovered by someone on September 5, 2020, who posted it on social media. The next day it went viral all over the world.
On September 6 the WITS suddenly changed the original designation ‘COVID-19’ into the vague ‘Medical Test Kits’.
This is not allowed in trade, because you always have to be specific. There are many types of test kits for different diseases.
The fact that they removed the specification ‘COVID-19’, after this data became known worldwide, proves that they don’t want anyone to know about it.
They however forgot to delete one detail: the product code for these ‘Medical Test Kits’ is 300215 which means: ‘COVID-19 Test Kits’.
Their cover up came too late: this critical information was uncovered and is being revealed by millions worldwide. You can download a PDF that shows the original data of this website.
Two years before the outbreak of COVID-19 the USA, the EU, China and nations around the world started exporting millions of diagnostic test instruments for… COVID-19, a disease that supposedly didn’t even exist back then.
6. The COVID-19 ‘Project’ Is Planned Until 2025
The World Bank shows that COVID-19 is a project that is planned to continue until… end of March 2025! So the intention is to continue it for another FIVE YEARS. (2C)
7. Anthony Fauci Guaranteed A Pandemic Within The Next Two Years
In 2017 Anthony Fauci made a very strange prediction, with an even stranger certainty.
With complete confidence Fauci announced that during the first term of President Trump a surprise outbreak of an infectious disease would surely happen.
Here’s what he said: (3)
“There is NO QUESTION there is going to be a challenge for the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases.
“There will be a SURPRISE OUTBREAK. There’s NO DOUBT in anyones mind about this.”
How could Fauci guarantee a surprise outbreak to happen during the first term of the Trump administration? What did he know, that we don’t?
8. Bill And Melinda Gates Guaranteed An Imminent Global Pandemic
In 2018 Bill Gates publicly announced that a global pandemic was on it’s way that could wipe out 30 million people. He said this would probably happen during the next decade. (4)
Melinda Gates added that an engineered virus is humanities greatest threat and also assured this would hit humanity in the coming years. (5)
‘A global pandemic is ON IT’S WAY. An ENGINEERED VIRUS is humanities greatest threat. This will happen in the NEXT DECADE.’ – BILL GATES, in 2018
Let their choice of words resound into your mind for a moment…
They claim that the dense population of the world guarantees this imminent global pandemic.
But let’s be honest: most of the earth is uninhabited. Just fly over America in an airplane and look out the window. You see empty space most of the time, with a few cities here and there. Most of the United States is still wide open and empty.
The same goes for the rest of the world.
Australia, Russia, India, China, America, Africa… it’s wilderness for the most part. Our planet isn’t nearly as populated as Bill Gates wants us to believe. This world map shows it clearly…
Most of the earth is totally void of any human presence. So the idea that the world is vastly overpopulated and is therefor bound to give rise to an imminent global pandemic is a lie.
[The powers that shouldn’t be also use this excuse to justify a reduction in the world’s population – i.e. depopulation.]
The Gates also claimed that air travel was sure to create a global pandemic. But countless people have been traveling in airplanes the past century.
Did that give rise to constant outbreaks of global pandemics? Of course not!
Their arguments why they guaranteed a global pandemic in the next few years are lies. So what is their real basis to make such guaranteed predictions?
9. Practicing For A Pandemic
A few months before the outbreak, Bill Gates – the world’s nr 1 vaccine dealer – organized an event in New York City. Guess what the event was all about? It was a ‘coronavirus pandemic exercise’.
Yes, you read that right:
Bill Gates organized a coronavirus pandemic exercise, right before it happened!
On the large display in the auditorium, you see the text printed: ‘We need to prepare for the event that becomes a pandemic.’ This pandemic exercise was called Event201 and took place in October 2019, literally right before the outbreak.
Their conclusion was that all of humanity must be vaccinated…
10. Excitement About Selling Vaccines In The Next Year
Shortly after this ‘exercise for a coronavirus pandemic’ Bill Gates tweeted:
“I’m particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.” – Bill Gates, Dec. 19, 2019
Think about this: the world’s nr 1 vaccine dealer guarantees a global pandemic to occur in the next few years, and his wife said we should all fear an engineered virus that is ‘on its way’. Then they organize an exercise for an imminent global pandemic and say vaccines will be the only solution. Next Bill Gates tweets how excited he is about selling vaccines in the next year. Immediately after that, the announced pandemic breaks out.
Indeed, right away Bill Gates proclaims that the only solution for humanity is to buy his vaccines…
11. 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Predicted In 2013
Back in 2013 a musician wrote a song called PANDEMIC. In his lyrics he described a global pandemic that kills millions, shuts down economies and gives rise to riots.
His song literally described in great detail what we are seeing in our world today, seven years later.
He even mentioned the exact year of the pandemic: 2020, and the specific type of virus: a coronavirus. (6)
This is a line in his lyrics from 2013:
‘2020 combined with CoronaVirus, bodies stacking.’
This song also predicted the riots that are now raging throughout America:
‘The State is rioting, using the street outside. It’s coming to your windows.’
How could this musician have known in 2013 that a coronavirus pandemic would break out in 2020, and that during this pandemic riots would erupt? He explains:
‘I did research back in 2012, and read the so called “conspiracy theories”. You know, those investigations the media doesn’t want us to look into. According to those theories pandemics were bound to happen in the decade of 2020 – 2030. So I wrote the song Pandemic about it.’
12. Global Preparedness Monitoring Board In Sept. 2019: ‘Get Ready For A Global Coronavirus Pandemic’
In September 2019 – also right before the outbreak – the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board released a report titled ‘A World At Risk’.
It stressed the need to be prepared for… a coronavirus outbreak!
On the cover of the report is the picture of a coronavirus and people wearing face masks.
In the report we read the following interesting paragraph:
‘The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.’
Did you catch that?
They have been practicing for a deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.