by Adam Andrzejewski at Open the Books
Payments to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency and colleagues from private pharmaceutical firms under obscure licensing and royalty schemes skyrocketed during the pandemic.
The American people started to feel that Big Pharma was very close to Big Government. Thanks to our two federal lawsuits demanding transparency, we know more details and they do not inspire confidence.
In 2022 and 2023, pharmaceutical and healthcare companies paid the National Institutes of Health a sum of $710,381,160 in third party royalties. These were payments to NIH, its leadership and scientists by healthcare entities licensing inventions created in federal, taxpayer-paid labs. The two-year average of such payments over the prior decade was less than $5 million, for an increase of more than 175 times.
Fauci’s institute, The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) received $690,218,610 of the $710 million, or 97%. In the same period, the other 26 institutes under the NIH received some $26 million in total.
It was an extreme cash haul at Fauci’s institute:…
Fauci’s Agency Raked In $690 Million From Big Pharma In The Wake Of Pandemic Lockdowns
by Tristan Justice at the Federalist
Federal agencies under Dr. Anthony Fauci’s leadership received hundreds of millions in pharmaceutical royalties over the coronavirus pandemic.
According to an investigation by the nonprofit government watchdog Open the Books, pharmaceutical and health care companies paid more than $710 million to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which Fauci led from 1984 to 2022, received more than $690 million, or 97 percent, of the total $710 million. The payments to NIAID, the group reported, represent a two-year average that is 175 times higher than the average of less than $5 million reported over the previous decade.
“NIH and N[I]AID wasted countless taxpayer dollars illegally resisting the requirement to tell taxpayers what was happening with their tax dollars,” Open the Books reported. “That’s because in [each of] the next two years — 2022 and 2023 — Fauci’s institute collected the equivalent of 175 years in NIAID royalty payments. Nearly $690 million in just two years vs. $23.9 million over 12 years.”
Fauci’s deputies in the NIH have come under recent congressional investigation…
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