by Darian Douraghy at The Post Millennial
In the latest episode of his new Twitter show, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson put the permanent Washington political establishment on blast over its treatment of former President Donald Trump.
“Trump is the one guy with an actual shot at becoming president who dissents from Washington’s longstanding pointless war agenda,” asserted Carlson. “And for that, that one fact, they’re trying to take Trump out before you can vote for him.”
Carlson played a clip of the moment that the political establishment decided Trump will be imprisoned, showing a moment from the 2016 presidential primary debates in Greenville, South Carolina. At the time, then-candidate Trump called out the neoconservative establishment over the state-sponsored lies of weapons of mass destruction being discovered in Iraq, which was used to justify an American invasion of the middle eastern nation.
Ep. 3 America's principles are at stake pic.twitter.com/eJNSUVvvqY
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 13, 2023
“We should have never been in Iraq,” Trump said from the debate stage, as Jeb Bush smirked. “We have destabilized the Middle East. They lied, okay said there were weapons of mass destruction that were done and they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.”
During his episode, Carlson took numerous jabs at “permanent Washington.” He noted that its initiatives command “trillion dollar price tags,” and that those policies have made Washington, DC’s surrounding counties “the richest suburbs in the world.”
He also took aim at Republican politicians that many in the Trump base consider to be…
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