Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has cackled the quiet part out loud. In a statement Friday, she announced that all of a sudden, after months and months of American people and small businesses begging for relief, that she will now compromise on a $908 billion stimulus package.
Why the sudden change of heart? Because Joe Biden is the proclaimed winner of the presidential race. What is as plain as the couture mask on Nancy’s face is that she let millions suffer for one reason and one reason only, to help Joe Biden win the election.
Here is what she had to say:
“Finally, we have a new dynamic, a new president in a little more than a month committed to crushing the virus … and more than one successful vaccine to make all the difference in the world.”
First of all, we have known that there would be vaccines on the way for months, so just throw that garbage excuse out the window. What she is saying is that she held the American people hostage until they voted the way she wanted.
Pelosi had two paths before the election, to accept the $1.8 trillion-package President Trump offered as a compromise (which last I checked was actually bigger than $908 billion) and see what happened in the election to seek more, or to stiff the American people while she got her hair done without a mask and ate expensive ice cream. She chose the latter in a cynical effort to hurt Donald Trump…
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