by Luke Andrews at Daily Mail
- Dr Emily Erbelding, a director at NIAID, said she was unaware of specific details of the research
- She claims to have only found out the experiments may have involved enhancing pathogens on Monday
- Grants totalling $1.1million from NIAID are listed as having helped fund the research at Boston University
- But a spokesman today said they were included as a ‘courtesy’ and not funded by the government agency
- They said this meant Boston University did not need to clear the research with NIAID officials
A senior US health official today admitted that controversial Covid manipulation research carried out in a laboratory in Boston was not authorized — despite being funded by taxpayer money.
DailyMail.com exclusively revealed yesterday that a team from Boston University had developed a hybrid Covid virus — combining the Omicron and original Wuhan strains — which had an 80 per cent lethality rate.
Public records indicate it was partly paid for using a grant awarded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), one of the federal government’s main research agencies.
As part of any Government-funded research grants, teams have to explain what the money is being used for and how it will benefit the public.
But today, Dr Emily Erbelding, director of NIAID’s division of microbiology and infectious diseases, said the Boston team did not clear the work with the agency.
She claims she only found out the experiments might have involved enhancing a pathogen of pandemic potential after reading reports in the media on Monday.
Dr Erbelding admitted feeling uneasy about the type of research the grants had been used to fund…
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